The Superstition Podcast 0013 – Critical Thinking Is Antivaxx, M’kay Episode I: Muh Overflowing ICUs!
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Welcome to day 576 of 15 days to flatten the curve. You can go back to normal just as soon as you get your 2nd vaxx booster.
Today we engage in the ultimate anti-vaxx activity. Critical thinking. Yes friends and enemies, I – The Great One, Himself – will engage in the activity of questioning Settled Science.
Here is what my insane libtard mother wrote in an email.
There was a list on FB of all the vaccines kids needed for the 1st day of school, which was yesterday… when you were young the list was small, now it’s very long..even seniors need some boosters and such….but covid vaccine was not on the list…every icu unit in tx is full…Florida was #1 in cases, but now tx has that honor…they are setting up tents in the big cities to take in the over flows, all unnecessary surgery is cancelled, and they need about 5,000 nurses to help out but that won’t happen, cause they are busy in other states…
The dumb ass ideas bouncing around inside the empty head of my boomer mother wouldn’t matter in Ancapadise. But we don’t live in Ancapadise. We live in a statist democracy and insane people like my mother have the ability to control your life, your body, your travel, your money, your property via the power of the State.
Are the ICUs full?
Are the ICUs full because of Wuhan?
If all the unnecessary surgery is cancelled how can there be a shortage of nurses?
Why are nurses going to other states if they work at hospitals in Texas and Texas is number one in Wuhan hospitalizations?
Are hospitals and ICU wards normally empty? Would that be a viable business model?
Around 87.1% of all hospital beds in Texas are in use — the highest level since the start of the pandemic — with 14.1% of those beds occupied by COVID-19 patients.
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I don’t cover any of this in the podcast, and I don’t pimp this man often enough. Eric July is an actual anarcho-capitalist. Not a cuckservative. Not a libertarian. And he has been all over the Covaids (as he calls it) since day one. He warned you about all this. But nope. No one ever listens to the black guy…
The introductory ambience to The Superstition Podcast is Rise of the Ancients from Tabletop Audio.
The Superstition Podcast theme song is Superstition by Stevie Wonder.
Are you superstitious? Do you believe in things you don’t understand? Things like global warming, fiat currency, HIV exploding in the heterosexual population, healing crystals, astrology, liberal arts degrees, Wuhan virus exploding among young healthy people, and the State? The Superstition Podcast is here to enlighten you and save your from your own stupidity. ‘Cause when you believe in things you don’t understand you suffer. Superstition ain’t the way.
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“No one ever listens to the black guy…”
No, but they will burn, loot, and murder in immigrant neighborhoods when a black drug addict’s heart fails while being arrested.
In my state, all of the major doctor groups are refusing to see anyone who has “symptoms.” That means anyone with any cough, sneeze, or the squirts is forced to go to urgent care or the ER. Of course the hospitals want this because of money. So ERs are full, and to make more room they have to admit patients.
Then there is the fact that hospitals don’t have many icu beds to begin with. This is due to stats from insurance providers, and the fact that they lose money when beds aren’t full during normal years. Hospitals also are a monopsony, who get to decide if there is a “need” to have another medical institution come into their territory.
TLDR: this is a problem that hospitals created
You know there is a bright side to all this… I realised it when I was watching Alex Jones’s new CovidLand documentary.–The-Lockdown-Documentary:d
The first hour has no surprises, but then at about 1hr15m this all changes. Hilarious footage of a family looking on through a window from the car park, screaming as their care-home boomer mother is prematurely wheeled away and the orderly pulls down the blinds on their protesting cries. Presumably the boomer is being taken to the furnace room.
Then there’s footage of some boomers who got to spend the last hours of their lives being confronted by the cold horror of the society they’ve left behind for us.
Next up (1hr23m40s) is a woman who is actually Cappy. Look at the eyes, the jaw, the mouth. Listen to the voice for a couple of minutes. This woman is Cappy.