Linkage: 2 July, 2019 – The More Things Change The More They Remain The Same. #TheTriggering
It’s 0615 hours and I’m sitting outside on the deck of my temporary abode. I can tell you that I’m going to get spoiled here. Spoiled like a white girl from North America who must never be allowed to experience discomfort.
The birds are singing. The sun is rising over the condo across the road. I’m drinking mediocre Trader Joe’s coffee from the Alice In Wonderland Coffee Mug. There is a fat wall hitting white gurl across the road going out her front door with her dog for the purpose of watching her fur baby take a shit so she can pick it (the shit, not the fur baby) up and say “good boy, who’s a good boy” because dogs are the only animals that need a human to take them out for a shit. Every other animal can shit without being praised by a human. (Cats are better than dogs.) Soon I will get into the $500 pickup truck and drive to Weyland-Yutani while listening to the latest episode of The Pushing Rubber Podcast. Upon arrival at W-Y I will post linkage, deal with idiots and look at Yoga Pants Girl’s butt.
Because women in the workplace.
Women in the work place destroy GDP 98.5% of the time. Yes. I’m serious. For every 200 women with jobs there are 3 of those women who actually contribute more than they hinder.
Where do women do the most damage? Science. Women have destroyed science. Women in science are one of the reasons scientific progress has ground to a halt. Ya know why no one has cured any diseases in the last 60 years? That’s correct. Women in science.
Ya know where else women shouldn’t be? Of course you do. Technology. I talked about a book here on Stating The Obvious about the creation/invention of the iPhone. The first iPhone was revolutionary, it worked and only one woman was involved. The latest iPhone? Piece of shit. Nothing innovative. Women at every stage of the process.
Wanna see what women in technology do instead of creating value for the customer? Follow the link below.
H/T to Aaron Clarey who covered this in episode 41 of the Older Brother Podcast. And I think Clarey got the tip from T.J. Martinell.
Important note: There are three baby bunnie rabbits playing in the road down below me. I am so spoiled. There is no God but I still thank God I was born in a country created by white men so I could have this level of luxury.
Speaking of tips. We are at the tipping point.
No. Not really. We are way past the tipping point.
We are past many of tipping points and points of tipping and tipping waitresses for shitty service. One particular point we passed is creating jobs for inferior people. Jobs that add no value for the customer. Jobs which in fact serve to inconvenience the customer.
Here’s a video of an encounter between a man who had just purchased some items at Wal Mart and store employees enraged at him for refusing to submit to their “policy” requiring every customer to prove they aren’t a thief by submitting to a degrading post-purchase inspection of their items and cross-check with a receipt.
The “policy” is offensive in the extreme as it presumes guilt in the absence of any reason for suspicion and thus upends the doctrine Americans once revered about being presumed innocent until proved guilty.
. . . . .
March right past the sow or frau – or whomever – and let ’em screech. If they touch you, it’s assault and you have every right to defend yourself.
But people – most people – are so cowed these days that they will submit to almost any authority, even that of Wal Mart checkers.
Not me.
I ignore them and just keep going. I hear their “sir! sir!” and treat it with the contempt it merits.
I don’t give a damn that they are “just doing their job.” Their job is cretinous – and I will not enable the normalization of cretinhood.
With the packing and moving I spent more time in Wal-mart over a period of about 10 days than I had in the previous 6 months. I was subjected to this crap a few times. The first time I had to stop and dig out the receipt from my pocket. Then I started keeping the receipt in my hand. Finally I dealt with it by walking by the slightly retarded (not an insult, a fact) old person with my best look of hatred on my face (to get that look of hate I thought about the (((Jews))) and how Christian they are) at a brisk pace. The slightly retarded old person started leaving me alone.
I do regard myself a sheep for ever submitting to the insult of having some slightly retarded old person validate that I purchased the goods I’m walking out with. It’s too easy to fall into sheep-like behaviour if you aren’t paying attention. This is one of the good things you can take from Buddhism. Mindfulness. Getting off auto-pilot and being aware of everything you are doing at any moment – and why you are doing it. Which allows you to choose not to do it.
Why I move to the new digs in a month I’ll be spending more time at Wal-mart.
I look forward to ignoring the pleading of the slightly retarded old person as I walk by.
Speaking of retarded – how about the sexually retarded. Otherwise know as transgender.
A biological man can claim he feels he’s female and – shazam! – by dint of those feelings and his assertions regarding them his biological sex (male) becomes gender female . . . because “she” insists.
Well, one could just as logically assert Lobsterhood on the same basis – and insist on appropriate accommodations, such as brine tanks in all “public” places – as well as other things not as amusing, such as a 60-year-old man who feels his gender is teenage girl and thus insist on his right to date teenage boys.
Or a teenage boy in high school who wants to get close to teenage girls – naked ones – by claiming that he is one and so must be admitted to their locker rooms and that they must “accept” his presence among them. Parents who object will be derided as “haters.”
This is already happening and much worse will – since feelings are endlessly fungible. One can feel they are . . . anything at all.
Biology, on the other hand, isn’t fungible.
A medical examiner or anthropologist can discern very quickly and without contestation whether the body – or skeleton – before him is male or female. The differences in bone construction, density and so on are biological facts.
It is one – or the other.
It cannot be either.
Excepting the abnormal – such as hermaphrodites and so on – sex isn’t debatable.
It just is.
. . . . .
What happens when a 60-year-old man tells the court that his 12-year-old boyfriend is appropriate because he’s not actually 60-year-old man (despite the XY chromosome, the stubble, the Adam’s apple and birthdate circa 1955) but really a 12-year-old girl?
Because he feels – very strongly – that he is one?
If reality (biology as well as chronology) no longer decides, if “identity” is to be a question of feelings, then this person is in fact the young girl he claims to be and has every right to play doctor with the young boy.
Just as grown men in dresses are already asserting their right to use women’s bathrooms.
And the new doctrine is that no one has any business judging, forbidding let alone punishing this.
Those who dispute that she is in fact he are guilty of a form of Thoughtcrime is called “misgendering” – and are already subject not merely to civil punishment but – far worse – a kind of psychological torture of the sort administered by the character O’Brien to his victim Winston Smith in Orwell’s 1984. They must be forced to see the New Truth:
It’s very clear to those of us who are not slightly retarded that all of this trannie/gender make-believe stuff is 100% oriented towards the legalization and public acceptance of biological adults having sex with biological children.
That’s all it is. That’s all. There is nothing else going on here.
These people are not confused about their gender (which isn’t even a real thing). These people are mentally ill. These people want to remain children. These people want to avoid responsibly and consequences. These people want to have sex with children.
Partially because they want to remain children. There are other reasons broken people want to have sex with children but let’s focus on this one for now.
Here is a revelation I had about two weeks ago.
Why do women like being teachers and spending time with other people’s children instead of their own children? Other than they are lazy. Okay, and other than they are low intelligence. Yes, but other than they are avoiding math.
Women are children. Women don’t want to grow up. They don’t want to grow up because they can’t grow up and they know it. If a women has her own children those children will grow up. As she watched them grow up she will constantly be reminded that she too is growing older.
If you are a teacher and you teach eight and nine year old children – every year the children are eight and nine. They never grow older. And you can pretend you aren’t growing older either.
Understand my friends this is a major insight I’ve just shared with you into the mind of teachers and I’ll be podcasting on this. Take some time to think it over and you’ll see I’m right. As usual.
These gender/trannie sexual retards are doing the same thing. They want to be around children not for the purpose go teaching and mentoring and guiding children as adults would, but for the purpose of remaining children themselves.
What do normal adults do with children? They don’t fuck them. They don’t tell them to follow their dreams. They don’t let their children grow up to major in math avoidance.
True adult parents teach their children to be independent adults. Independent in thought, action and ability.
Here are the lessons that I think every parent needs to teach their child, whether you’re raising boys or girls. Before leaving the nest, they should be able to:
1. Cook inexpensive, nutritious meals from scratch
2. How to use up leftovers
3. Get from point A to point B using public transit or under their own power
4. Budget limited money so that the most important things are paid first
5. Mend and repair items instead of replacing them
6. Take a course in First Aid, CPR, and anything else applicable that is offered. The more you know, the calmer you are able to remain during a crisis.
7. Have a good basic First Aid kit and know how to use everything in it
8. Know some home remedies for various common illnesses: teas for tummy aches, treatment for flu symptoms, how to soothe skin irritations, and how to care for a fever
9. Drive. Not only an automatic transmission but also a standard transmission
In a recent podcast I explained why Aaron Clarey is wrong about women in STEM. One of Clarey’s arguments for women going to college was “what else will they do with their free time.”
Considering that most 18 to 22 year old women can do almost nothing on the list linked above I would suggest that women who want a traditional marriage and children work on mastering that list instead of going to college.
That my dear is what you do with your free time. If you want to be a wife and a mother. A real wife and mother, not some cunt who’s phoning it in.
Speaking of cunts…
You cucks are nothing but a bunch of fucking cunts. Such cunts that you need some fucking kid with no life experience and three pubic hairs to tell you that you’re a cunt. You too cucked to discover your cunty cuckedness ’cause you’re cucked and have no self-awareness. Just like a woman.
And no. I have no idea who Nick Fuentes is. But he’s right. You can kill white people. You can rape white people and no one cares. White people are mostly cucks. Slightly retarded cucks who can’t stop virtue signalling how much they care about the mud people and the single mothers with mystery meat children.
“Do you think they’re not going to come for you?”
They are going to come for you. And when they do don’t come cucking the The Great One for help.
You cucks are already coming for each other.
Americans have been trained to rat on one another. Leave your children (or a dog) in your car for a minute while you get something from a convenience store and a fellow citizen is certain to call the police. A report will be filed, and a Child Protective Service Gestapo will show up at your door, demanding admission. You will be coerced into accepting the strip searching of your children in search of a bruise from play that can be misconstrued as evidence that you beat your kids. The Gestapo will then seize your kids, and you will pay heavily in stress and attorney’s bills in the effort to recover your kids, who by this time are probably traumatized for life. The helplessness that parents endure must make them hate the government and even the country.
In the United States the deluded patriotic elements believe that our soldiers fight “to preserve our freedom,” but in fact, as Marine General Smedley Butler—the most decorated officer in the history of the US military—tells us, our soldiers die for the material interests of the ruling oligarchy.
Americans, like the British, are brainwashed about the “Great Democracies,” in which, allegedly, the governments are held accountable by the people. In actual fact, in the “Great Democracies,” the peoples have been reduced to brainwashed slaves.
The brainwashing is obvious. The slavery less so. Once again let me make the slavery obvious.
The slavery is obvious. I should know. I’ve been Stating The Obvious for 15 years come November the first. We are all slaves.
It’s one thing to be enslaved by a government. That’s been happening throughout the ages. It’s another to add to the slavery by voluntarily enslaving yourself to single mothers, slightly retarded old people, women in technology and mud people. Those forms of slavery are all recent creations of cucked white people who value feelings and comfort over progress and destiny.
Remember what they have taken from you.
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Linkage: 2 July, 2019 – The More Things Change The More They Remain The Same. #TheTriggering — No Comments
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