Linkage: 18 September, 2018 #TheTriggering
“The future must equal the past” is an interesting approach taken by anti-white racists and cucks alike. Other things which happened in past and were not good ideas include:
- Shitting in your pants.
- Bringing blacks to the United States to be slaves.
- Sending children to college.
- Waiting for a Messiah to solve your problems for you.
- Being nice to girls and hoping they would have sex with you.
Because America had past immigration, it must have endless future immigration.
Unassailable logic!
Reality: any nation, including America, has the right and moral justification to turn on or off at any time the immigration spigot as accords the national interest. David Glosser’s self-serving indignation is not Americans’ moral crisis.
Or: get over it, glosser. ps Ellis Island is just one of many “classically American tales”. You know what else is a classically American tale? The 1924 Immigration and Naturalization Act that severely curtailed immigration and restricted it to European Whites, leading to the greatest explosion in a country’s standard of living ever seen in history.
In other news, right-wing cucks continue to deny there is a race war.
When will Shanica Johnson be fired for anti-White bigotry? For her hate speech? Not holding breath. (If anything, the NewYidTimes will be calling her for a job interview.)
She seems a bit confused about the workings of miscegenation. If black men increasingly shack up with White mudsharks and make mystery meatballs together, that means fewer black men for black women, who have to find partners outside of their race or go to their morbidly obese, steatopygous graves lonely and prognathically bitter at the White men (or any men) who aren’t interested in relieving black women of their YASS INCEL status.
Second, middle aged White men are rapidly becoming a minority IN THE DEMOCORTEZ PARTY. The Trump Party (née Republican Party) will in reaction become a party predominately comprised of WHITE MEN and married White women who retain allegiance to Team White.
Then we will have the grounds established for Civil War 2. Beautiful.
Every time a leftist gets raped by a person of colour I smile.
I should stifle my intuitive reflex to cheer for ISIS on this one. It reminds me of an old Internet Classic posted by The Misanthropic Bitch. It involved the story of young, idealistic and predictably Leftarded Amerikan woman who went to Guatamala to ¡HELP! Apparently, a bunch of the local cholos decided these women could help them play a nice little game of Hide The Chorizo.
The LibTwats were dragged off their Blue Bus of ¡DIVERSITY! and inseminated with the subtle gentleness used when the dairy farmers have Charlie The Bull over to knock up the breeding stock.
Was I shocked? Horrified? Did I gaze deeply at my navel and ponder how I’d feel if it were my sister who got the involuntary hook-up with Mistah Chawlie?
Not really, once I’d finished laughing my ass off at these hyper-privileged, over-edumuhcayted Librawltards. My only real problem with Chorizo Banditos is that given our country’s effed-up immigration law enforcement, they could be in Huntsville, AL next month playing the same cute little games with the Lay-Dees.
And that brings us to the crux of today’s quaint little meditation in cyberspace. What happens when Chawley The Bull cuts loose in Amerika’s Libtarded little China Shop cum Safespace. I’m remembering another comedy gem from the 90s that dammit I just can’t find on Youtube this morning. It involved Barney The Dinasour in Jurassic Park. This brings us ’round to why Modern Amerikan blue, urban safespaces are such a miserably bad evolutionary strategy.
The left continues to move left. The right continues to more left. The only future where white people who don’t fuck their own children survive requires a purging of cuckservatives.
This is a problem with all human groups: they converge on the average rather than the center.
The center of conservatism consists of its core values and philosophy, but the average of conservatives represents a significantly dumbed-down version of conservatism, just as the average human is closer to our idiots than our geniuses. The big tent effectively creates a need for bipartisanship within the Right because to rule a group that diverse, one must exist in the intersection of the many groups that form the motley pluralistic culture of a big tent. Negotiations and compromise — reversion to average — rule more than principle and goal.
This means that over time, every Right-wing organization will slowly slide to the Left, because Leftist ideas are always more popular with the average of humanity because most of humanity are not wired for the complex, multiple-layer, in-depth analysis required to understand why conservatism is good at all. If you wonder why civilizations decay, this type of “social pressure” or “peer pressure” provides a plausible candidate. Even the best leaders over time defer to what the group wants because they like to look out and see happy faces, and happiness does not reveal whether it comes from delusion or fact.
With that in mind, we see why the Alt Right jihad against cuckservatives — conservatives who dodge questions that contradict egalitarianism, like race and class — possesses such merit. Cuckservatives are not just a variety of conservative, but death to conservatism, and since it is the guardian of civilization, death to all of us.
The only future where the Right survives occurs through the purging of cuckservative ideas.
In Ancapadise this is exactly how speed limits will work. In a democracy devoted to keeping inferior people alive speed limits can never work this way. Everything in democracy must be geared to the stupidest person in the land.
Speed limits would be useful as information – as opposed to pretexts for mulcting – if they served some genuine advisory purpose such that ignoring them actually did risk real danger and not just the kind that is visited upon us by armed government workers.
They could and should work like signs warning drivers about deer crossing the road, to be on the lookout for fallings rocks, that the surface of a bridge tends to ice up before the rest of the road does. Like stop signs.
Only a fool – or someone actually reckless – doesn’t at least almost stop at a stop sign. And irrespective of the fear of being mulcted by an armed government worker. Because to ignore that sign is to risk something much worse than extortion. It is dangerous to ignore a stop sign – which is why most people do not ignore them.
Speed limits could and should work that way, if people knew that ignoring them entailed a real chance of similar consequences. But speed limits are universally ignored precisely because the only real consequence of ignoring them is a roadside mulcting by an armed government worker.
Diversity is our strength? Maybe diversity will kill off the inferior in more ways than one.
According to the CDC, in most industrialized countries, the number of cases of tuberculosis and the number of deaths caused by TB steadily declined during the 100 years prior to the mid-1980s. Since the ’80s, immigrants have reversed this downward trend in countries that have had substantial levels of immigration from areas where the disease is prevalent.
In 2002, the CDC said: “Today, the proportion of immigrants among persons reported as having TB exceeds 50 percent in several European countries, including Denmark, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. A similar proportion has been predicted for the United States”.
The number of active TB cases among American-born citizens declined from an estimated 17,725 in 1986 to 3,201 in 2015. That was an 80 percent drop.
Data reported to the National Tuberculosis Surveillance System show that the TB incidence among foreign-born people in the United States (15.1 cases per 100,000) is approximately 13 times the incidence among U.S.-born people (1.2 cases per 100,000). Those statistics refer to immigrants who are legally in the U.S. There is no way for us to know the incidence of tuberculosis and other diseases carried by those who are in our country illegally and hence not subject to medical examination.
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Linkage: 18 September, 2018 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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