No More Volleyball Chycks?
“Say it isn’t true!”
I hear what you are saying. And it isn’t true.
But there will be fewer volleyball chycks.
Wait. Before you grab your pitchforks and torches hear me out. Change is good. Look at all the wonderful things resulting from eight years of Hussein Obama. Julia was under Obama and his change for eight years and she will never want for anything again in her life.
Enough about Julia. Let’s talk about chycks.
Going forward (Forward!) providing I remember to make it happen (we know how my memory works – it don’t) this is how things are gonna shake out.
Monday will be
Volleyball Chyck Monday
or other sporty girls. Can’t discriminate you know.
Wednesday will be
Supergirl Wednesday
with other fantasy chycks tossed in for variety. Spice of life ya know.
Friday will be
Redhead Friday
because redheads are the solution to all the problems.
Along with natural selection and explosives.
Ya know what else is changing about the podcast?
Nothing. I’m still a fowl-mouthed cock-sucking anarcho-capitalist.
And this still ain’t no safe space.
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Redheads? WTF? Say it ain’t so.
It’s 100% so. What does the Great Adam Piggott, Himself have against redheads?
They’re mostly ugly.
But are they really?
Point: Redhead chycks are usually either really hot or really not. I’ll estimate 20% of redheads are 8-10s. 70% are 0-5s. 10% are in the 6-7s range.
Now is that really any different than the breakdown among blondes and brunets? Or does it seem different due to the fact that redheads stand out because there are fewer of them.
Example: In a restaurant a few days ago. There were 2 redheads working there. One was a 4. The other was an 8. That’s 50/50. Certainly of the blondes and brunets working there the split wasn’t 50/50. And this place is large and busy. There were between bartenders and waitresses and hostesses at least 15 girls in the pool of which I speak.
Fuck all this politics. This is what’s important. I may need to conduct a “scientific study” to determine the percentage of hottie vs non-hottie redheads as compared to the rest of the population.
I wonder if the Trumpenfurhur will give me a federal research grant for that.