Linkage: 23 August, 2016 #TheTriggering
Why do these reckless claims have so much appeal and staying power? For one thing, there is a lot of statistical illiteracy among journalists, feminist academics and political leaders. There is also an admirable human tendency to be protective of women—stories of female exploitation are readily believed, and vocal skeptics risk appearing indifferent to women’s suffering. Finally, armies of advocates depend on “killer stats” to galvanize their cause. But killer stats obliterate distinctions between more and less serious problems and send scarce resources in the wrong directions. They also promote bigotry. The idea that American men are annually enslaving more than 100,000 girls, sending millions of women to emergency rooms, sustaining a rape culture and cheating women out of their rightful salary creates rancor in true believers and disdain in those who would otherwise be sympathetic allies.
New Zealand women are considered to be the most promiscuous in the entire world. A survey by the condom maker Durex has reported that Kiwi women had an average of 20.4 sexual partners in their lifetime. And remember, that’s just an average. It means that friggin’ Cruise liner loads full of New Zealand women are getting banged up a LOT more than that.
By comparison, the global average was 7.3 sexual partners per woman. Astoundingly, New Zealand was the only country in the survey where women had more sexual partners than their men, a reflection of the huge twentysomething backpacker culture this country has on top of their general sluttiness.
The long-term consequences of rampant female promiscuity can be serious, and any women who has a notch count higher than 10 is a major red flag, especially for men who wish to have a healthy long-term relationship or marriage.
The higher the notch count a woman has, the less likely they will be able to pair bond well with a single man, especially after they have been repeatedly plugged in every hole by dozens of obnoxious alpha male bad-boy cocks throughout their teens and twenties (or beyond).
Kiwi women are the most promiscuous in the world – right up there with Austrian blokes, a survey says.
New Zealand women have an average of 20.4 sexual partners, according to a survey by condom-maker Durex.
The global average was 7.3.
An old friend (I no longer talk to her) once had an open conversation with me about how she was faking being depressed and suicidal on her social media. She was going to a therapist, took medication, and to anyone else might genuinely seem like someone with a problem. However, she opened up to me after feeling bad that she was lying to me about it. I wish I still had the messages, but I don’t as this was about a year ago. But I can recall her saying that she did it because she didn’t feel there was anything special about her and she did it because she wanted to make friends.
If this is not pure insanity I really don’t know what is. This girl was taking medication for a mental illness she did not have. She knew she didn’t have it. She was in no way confused about how she felt. She didn’t directly say she was doing it for attention, but I think anyone with eyes could understand that was exactly what it was about.
Every single leftist has this submissive imprint, which is almost always due to an overbearing mother. Conversely, sometimes it can also be caused by an abusive father; regardless, this is the psychology of a liberal. This is why liberals typically need “top dog” government to help them. They feel the need to be submissive, and rely on someone else to take the lead (in this case the government).
This is why liberals typically dislike masculine men; it points out their own submissiveness and inadequacies. It’s why leftists are typically very spineless and are afraid to stand up for anything that isn’t the norm. This is also why they typically have a “mother-boy” dynamic in their romantic relationships.
Have you ever seen hyper-liberals with their wives? They typically act like a little boy afraid of offending mommy and her feminist ideologies. This is why. They’re conditioned to be submissive from a young age, which allows a nanny state to easily come into play, breaks apart the family unit, and creates a man without a backbone.
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This is why leftists become pan-sexual, or any other weird deviancy. They believe that there’s something fundamentally wrong with them; it goes so deep that it even changes their sexuality.
This is why once leftists grow up, they dye their hair and break social norms. They are so desperate to be bullied (and confirm their first circuit bias that the world is unsafe and their second circuit bias that they’re bottom dog) that they go out of their way to dress up in a bunch of weird shit that they know will get them made fun of.
This is why leftists preach equality and become political activists. They use this to meet other like-minded degenerates and can all hide their feelings of inadequacy and self-hatred by trying to bring others down.
Which group of brain-eating amoeba do I want as neighbors? Erm … is this a trick question?
Let’s be clear – equality is simply another word for communism. As Milton Friedman wrote, “A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” Equality is one of the favored rallying cries for SJW progressive luvvie lunatics everywhere. They’re not happy with the possibility of a high degree of equality as a result of freedom. They want 100% equality and they want it now.
So anyone who spouts off about equality has immediately given themselves away. Other giveaways include, “diversity” and “multiculturalism” with the phrase, “is our strength” attached after all three of these.
Modern feminism is primarily concerned with the destruction of the traditional family. They’ve been hard at it since 1968. Any group of freaks or the mentally ill are prime candidates to be swept up so as to be given “rights” at the expense of broader society and its stability through the family. Feminists hate men. Their favored rallying cry is of course misogyny, but as SJWs always project it is a simple step to work out who has the problem with hatred here.
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Any man who classifies himself as a feminist in order to have a chance at playing hide the sausage with a “moderate feminist” is the type of fool who thinks it’s a fab idea to do some volunteer work in an area hit by the Ebola virus.
The 10 words and phrases above are often utilized whenever a woman is trying to deflect attention away from her sexual shenanigans. By strategically utilizing them at critical junctures, she maintains an innocent, teenage-girl vibe, while pretending to be really into you—above all other men.
This greatly appeals to your nurturing, protective side, not to mention your ego, and might allow her to distract you from the curious matter that exhibited itself only a few moments earlier.
Obama was the “race” president, and look how badly he has damaged race relations in only eight years. Hillary will be the “gender” president. The future we have in store should be absolutely clear to you if she happens to defeat Trump.
Not only will she move to establish a techno-matriarchy where men are second-class citizens to any female, but she will ensure that no movement or organization will be able to challenge her or her establishment cronies ever again. This isn’t a trivial matter of getting banned from a web site like Twitter or Youtube—many of you will be forced to escape the country for no other reason than you happening to be a man who found himself on the wrong side of the establishment.
Many men say that Trump is controlled opposition. The evidence to that has been wholly uncompelling based on the genuine establishment attacks he’s received, but even if he’s lying about all of his policies, including building a wall, the one guarantee we can make about him is that he won’t attack men. There’s absolutely nothing in his candidacy or behavior in the past 40 years of his life that suggests it.
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