Linkage: 26 January 2016 #TheTriggering
In broader terms, the Coakley case shows the desperate need for due process and beyond reasonable doubt after rape accusations to approximate the standards expected when other crimes are alleged. A person is extremely unlikely, for example, to be convicted of an armed robbery without CCTV evidence, the recovery of what is stolen, proof of injury, or multiple witness statements of the same individual incident (i.e. not the Bill Cosby witch hunt of disconnected allegations being bundled together as one “truth”). Both courts and non-judicial discussions are engaged in a perpetual cycle of watering down thresholds to secure more convictions and social condemnation.
This is even more important when we consider the UVA hoax consisted of claims circulating freely without any trial having taken place. Feminists and SJWs seem to think that the absence of a trial, which requires police evidence (or politicized pressures), means mere accusations are allowed to stick as a de facto branding of guilt for accused parties.
Ousted Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich has a new Internet browser, and it’s nothing less than you’d expect from the creator of JavaScript and co-founder of the company behind FireFox.
Brave is a new browser that aims to “fix the Web.” How? By blocking everything except the content you explicitly want. That means no ads, no cookies, nothing that you haven’t personally requested from the Internet. The exceptions are extremely specific, and the approach is as aggressive as the ads themselves.
Brave Browser:
Of course, high IQ children are likely to be mocked as geeks and nerds.
And yes, abnormally intelligent children will get beaten on the playground.
And yes, genius children will be mentally tortured by their teachers for 13 years.But in the end they meet equally-intelligent peers who are so statistically rare, it would be unlikely they’d ever meet and form friendships had there been no such thing as school.
Unfortunately, school is an artificial environment and once college is done, this artificial environment goes away. And what children (who are now adults) assumed was going to be a constant variable in their lives since the age of five and would continue on forever…ends. And slowly, but surely so too does the number one thing in their lives – their friendships.
To be bluntly honest, “mental illness” really is a “First World Problem.” They don’t have things such as “bipolar” or “social anxiety disorder” or “affluenza” in Pakistan. Your average Ecuadorian does not refer to the village psychologist as “her psychologist” like an American soccer mom who has “her psychologist” on speed dial. And the average kid in Turkey does not suffer from “ADD” or “ADHD.” They have infinitely more pressing matters such as poverty, terrorism, death, and disease on their minds.
Men have penises, women have vaginas. They are designed that way to breed children. Women have breasts, produce milk, and are more nurturing. They are designed that way to take care and nurture children. Men have testosterone, are bigger, stronger, faster and (by some measures) smarter than women. They are designed that way to provide for and protect their families. And forget the obvious physiological differences. Just look at the history of how men, women, and society have naturally organized themselves over the millennia across different cultures. I find it very cute and adorable “social scientists” of the past 50 years think they know more than what nature has figured out over the past 2 million.
Still, the academic and political classes of society thought it best to trifle with these realities, blurring the lines of gender, which has ultimately resulted in pansified, emasculated men that no woman wants. Yes, television says women want sensitive “90’s men.” Yes, academia says men need to get in touch with their “emotions and inner-selves.” And yes, even women say they want that bearded hipster with his red skinny jeans who writes poetry, works at the coffee shop, lives at home, and can’t afford a car.
But it’s almost as cute as “social scientists” thinking they know more than nature.
No matter what society, politicians, media, even women themselves say, their genes want a talk, rugged, strong, brilliant, charming, clever, brute of a man who can rock her world in bed and crush the skulls of any interloper who threatens her children.
It was my policy in high school and middle school to ask out hot chicks. That was about my only policy. I didn’t care where they came from, whether they were living in a trailer, whether they were poor, or even if they were dumb. If I wanted to nail them, I would ask them out.
And I remember being universally rejected at the same rates regardless of what class, clique, or social status the girl was. In other words the same percentage of popular girls would say yes as the same percentage of trailer trash.
Of the making of books there is no end; but seldom can there have been so appalling a spur to writing—or at least to dictating—a book as that felt by Tina Nash. She would never have sullied a page had her boyfriend Shane Jenkin not beaten and strangled her to unconsciousness and then gouged out her eyes with his bare hands, leaving her blinded for life. It was a crime that eclipsed all others in Britain that year (2011) in sheer malignity.
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In her book, Tina Nash describes how she tried bravely to get on with life after being blinded. After she finished the book, she found a new boyfriend. He has just been sent to prison for assaulting her. O brave new world, that has such people in it!
Women get the men they deserve.
Beyond the fact that Tess Holliday is encouraging obesity and slovenliness in young women, she has also defrauded her fans. in 2014, Holliday sold $40 #EffYourBeautyStandards shirts to her fans, claiming that she would be donating a portion of her profits to a domestic violence charity. Not only did countless fans never receive the merchandise they bought, but Holliday did not donate a single cent of her proceeds to charity. When fans asked Holliday via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram why they hadn’t received their T-shirts, she responded by blocking them.
While there are plenty of positive female role models to be found in our world, the media insists on glorifying women who are corrupt, slutty, or incompetent at their jobs. If a woman is being promoted by the media, it’s almost a given that she’s a terrible person who has committed heinous crimes against others, or is at bare minimum a failure at life.
Young women would be advised to shun these characters and avoid emulating them at all costs.
A Canadian study confirmed that people who perform petty acts like superimposing the French flag on a Facebook photo are less likely to devote actual resources to any associated cause. At its heart, it is a catalyst for exacerbating pre-existing laziness, which is rife when you consider the excessively docile responses Europe is giving to the specter of increasing Islamization and unrestricted migration. When “participants” see that other people are changing their Facebook profile photos, too, the effect is only amplified.
The shotgun is a American weapon. Split off from smooth bore muskets, the idea of firing a bunch of little balls of lead instead of one ball developed from an alternative load into its own weapon. The shotgun has evolved into a modern firearm with a variety of purposes, and here I’ll show those roles, the different options available, and what you can do with one for fun, sport, and defense.
A predictable trope employed by feminists, SJWs and white knights is the bogus theory of collective male responsibility. Everyone from the male philosophy student to the good-natured male garbage collector is somehow causing, abetting, and condoning broader male crime simply by possessing a penis. The classic conception of this collective guilt is the invented rape culture, but it extends much more broadly than that.
Like many of you, I have never knowingly met a convicted murderer, rapist, or armed robber. Yet I am apparently a contributing factor to the next male-on-female sexual assault that happens 2,000 kilometres away in Tasmania, or some guy allegedly punching his girlfriend in Lübeck at three o’clock in the morning.
Ironically, we are blamed for these incidents and women who actually know these men and can exert a real influence, from the mother who raised them to the sisters who lived alongside them, are cleared of any moral involvement. Female friends and acquaintances who continue social interactions with men they know are violent or convicted criminals also get a free pass.
The conundrum only gets worse when we start to consider females who give out sex and intimate companionship to these men. A guy, perhaps a member of a biker gang, beats another man to death and is released after some years, only to find a couple models falling in his lap. How doesn’t this make some men more willing to commit violent acts?
As diverse as we may be in terms of our background and political beliefs, we are all here for three main reasons:
- Feminism and its toxic influence on women have disrupted normal relationships between men and women.
- The progressive movement in our society that is leading social and cultural decadence must be stopped.
- We have seen the disenfranchisement and the systemic emasculation of men as a result of the above mentioned forces.
So, it is clear that most of us here want just about the same thing: To have normal relationship with women in a normal society that doesn’t treat men like garbage. But how are we to achieve that? Well, that depends on how you want to get there.
You’ll often hear leftists cheering (and cuckservatives lamenting) the fact that many Western nations will soon have majority non-white populations. For example, Gregor Gysi, a prominent far-left Jewish politician in Germany, has referred to native Germans as “Nazis” and said that their inability to have offspring is “fortunate.” Leftist and cuckservative politicians in the U.S. and elsewhere justify their support for mass immigration on the basis that importing large numbers of foreigners is the only way to compensate for falling native birthrates.
Israel was explicitly founded as a homeland for the Jewish people and its government has worked to ensure that it remains one. For example, only Jews are allowed to immigrate to Israel and become citizens, a process referred to as “aliyah” (Hebrew for “ascent”). Not only does Israel have zero tolerance for illegal immigration, the government has also constructed border walls along the West Bank and Egyptian borders to deter invaders, and the country is also home to the world’s largest illegal alien detention facility.
Anecdotally, I have heard far more support for rapefugees, and more generally for open borders, from young White women than I have from any other group of people. (The men I know don’t bring it up, but a few of them, when forced into a conversation about it, hemmed and hawed or meekly cosigned their girlfriends’ opinions. Even the alphas are susceptible to this inglorious path of least resistance.)
The women might not truly believe what they claim to think about letting in Muslim refugees — CH Maxim [X] explicitly advises watching what women do instead of listening to what they say, for the two are quite often at odds, especially in a mate market context — or they might believe it only insofar as they are signaling their conformity to GoodWhitethink, and otherwise don’t feel very strongly about helping rapefugees and throwing open the borders to the third world.
Whichever it is, there is no doubt young, single women (and yes, this includes single White women) vote IN DROVES for the antiWhite leftoid candidate on the presidential ticket. Kanazawa would appear to be onto something regarding the evolutionary psychology underpinning the easy acquiescence of young fertile women to invasion by foreign conquerors. And, as is becoming dishearteningly more obvious, when invasion isn’t looming on women’s horizons, invitation extended to the foreigner to traipse into their White homelands will substitute nicely.
The stereotype of liberals as emotionally underdeveloped children who feel first and think later now has support from the very entity liberals have raised to divine status: SCIENCE!
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In layman’s terms, liberal brains give preference to their own feelings before any externally-generated, real world hatefacts have a chance to make an impression on them. Shitlibs are literally slaves to their FEELS. They see the world through a gauze of their emotions, like a toddler might make sense of the alien adult world that swirls around him.
Shitlibs analyze the world, and all its threats, as if refracted through a prism of their subjective feelings. Hordes of invading, antagonistic third worlders eroding civilization in White homelands? After passing through the shitlib antiWhite Feels Filter, (they can’t help themselves), this clear as day observation gets mutated into a rationale for the shitlib’s yearning need to believe all people and all races are equal in worth and compatibility with White European societies. So the shitlib sees [unassimilable orc hordes], feels [I am an antiracist GoodWhite], then thinks [White privilege prevents orc hordes from assimilating].
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Men with adequate T levels can more accurately perceive threats, while low T manlets are not much different from women, failing to perceive threats and, worse, inviting those threats into their lives oblivious to the consequences.
SCIENCE! continues to confirm the Chateau thesis that Western societies – particularly their men – are rapidly feminizing in both body and mind, and this effeminating process has grave implications for survival of the nation. A low T nation is a laid-low nation. In places like Cologne, we are watching it happen in real time.
I call this sex-disparate phenomenon “The Feminine Mistake”. It was a mistake to hand to women inordinate power – at 51% of the population, women hold the levers in democratic societies – over public policy and the nation’s constitution. Women are who they are; they can’t help themselves when they vote for equalist leftoid nation-destroyers.
If the White West is to save itself from its worst instincts and sentiments, it’s going to take something that most cucks, maginas, and male feminists are loath, or scared, to do: tell women to step aside, because they are royally fucking up the place.
A while ago I wrote an article for the Examiner demonstrating that when calculated on a per service basis, women doctors actually make more from Medicaid payments than men. Women earn dramatically less than men because they see fewer patients and offer fewer services, but per service, they actually make slightly more. If women worked the same hours as men, the wage gap would be in their favor.
Economists at Harvard sat down with the Freakonomics economists to discuss the wage gap – that pernicious myth that will not die – and reached the same conclusion every researcher of note has reached: there is no wage gap.
How does one go about finding a CEO? If you’re Wal-Mart, you designate your heir like a Viking chief, picking the strongest of your children. If you’re Yahoo!, however, you put “Affirmative Action Hire” or “Easy, Breezy, Covergirl” in your third-rate search engine and hope for the best. What dubious specimen does the search engine spit out? One Marissa Mayer.
When Mayer and Yahoo! first jumped into bed together, it began like any relationship between a glamorous young woman and an ageing, increasingly desperate sugar daddy. She erratically spent all of Yahoo!’s money. Not only that, but she spent it on Tumblr. For goodness’ sake, the new CEO of the company and she blows a billion dollars on Tumblr.
The jokes write themselves. But just in case you’re out of ink: a token female CEO who immediately goes on a disastrous spending spree — colour me shocked!
Even when debating young-earth creationists, which should be a fairly easy task, Nye fails to meet expectations. The Daily Beast, hardly a conservative publication, admitted that Nye’s famous debate with creationist Ken Ham was a “nightmare for science.” Whereas atheists like Dawkins or Hitchens at least knew how to present an argument, Nye can do little but hurl abuse.
His attitude towards teaching evolution is that kids “need” to believe it, “or else.” (It’s the “or else” that gets me.) Weirdest of all is Bill’s wacky beliefs on GMO crops. For years, Nye held the fashionable — yet scientifically laughable — view that GMOs were dangerous.
At the height of 1990s environmentalism, this was a hugely popular progressive dogma. It has since gone out of fashion, and — lo and behold — Nye has changed his mind. The Washington Post said this change of heart was “proof he’s the Science Guy.” Nah. It’s proof that he’s the Fashionable Liberal Opinions Guy.
I’ve profiled a lot of insufferable people, but I’ve yet to encounter anyone quite as uniquely odious as Nye. It’s no wonder that he was married for a mere seven weeks before his marriage license was denied. Did he perhaps lecture the officials about their lack of faith in the church of climate change? If Kim Davis had denied Bill Nye a marriage licence instead of those gays she’d be a national treasure by now.
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Linkage: 26 January 2016 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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