Anarchy Moment 0363 – A White Woman Wants To Avoid Responsibility For Her Stupidity During The Wuhan Hoax. Who Could Have Seen This Coming?
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This has been making the rounds yet I never clicked on the link until Adam Piggott wrote about it.
The Atlantic article is their first attempt to get everyone in line. It won’t work because they’re going to start panicking once they begin dropping dead in greater numbers. You wanted popcorn time? This is popcorn time. And like old Napoleon said, we must do our very best not to get in their way as they seriously begin to implode. Instead we should do everything possible to encourage their collective meltdown. That is sweet victory, my friends. Our sweet victory over leftism, leftists and the science which they have so badly believed in for so very long.
Adam isn’t wrong very often and this is one of those rare moments. His post is title “Our Sweet Victory over Science.” There is no victory here. I’m unclear on what makes Adam think otherwise.
For those of you who don’t want to listen to my 1 hour 10 minute rant which is laden with the word fuck here is the Cliff Notes version.
The stupid bitch who wrote this article is fully behind the Wuhan Hoax, fully behind the WuVxx, fully behind the State controlling your body. Her point of contention is that the schools should have opened back up sooner. You may not be able to guess this – she’s a teacher. Actually she’s a co-teacher. Because in the current year it takes two strong independent you-go-gurl chyck-boss whores to do the job that was done by one woman when I went to school. Schools should have opened sooner so she could get back to telling children that boys and girls are social constructs.
This is not a victory.
What would victory look like?
Victory would look like me pissing on her corpse.
Never forgive. Never forget. Anyone who supported the shutdowns and anyone who got the vaxx is the enemy. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. No exceptions.
On to the source material. In her final paragraph she sums up how stupid women are. Yes, all women. There are no unicorns. And most men as well.
The standard saying is that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. But dwelling on the mistakes of history can lead to a repetitive doom loop as well. Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward.
Wrong whore. History repeats. You can’t stop it by remembering it. The point of knowing history is to get the hell out of the way. History will repeat. History does not care about your precious white girl from North America feel feelz like all the beta males around you do.
The whore doesn’t want you to dwell on mistakes. Specifically she doesn’t want you to dwell on her mistakes. She doesn’t want to be held accountable for her mistakes. I suspect that you are shocked to discover that a white girl from North America desires to not be held accountable for her actions. You are fucking shocked aren’t you?
Wrong whore. “We” did not make complicate choices.
Wrong whore. You are a woman and not neurochemically capable of making complicated choices.
Wrong whore. There was no uncertainty. I knew from day one this was fake because I worked in the biomedical industry with weaponized viruses. You were not uncertain because you believed everything you saw on TV with no critical thinking applied because as a woman you are not neurochemically capable of critical thinking.
Wrong whore. I do not want to work together. Your vision of moving forward is the extermination of freedom and white people. You are a race traitor, a statist, my ememy.
I will never forgive. I will never forget.
Send some commies to Canada. They said they would go if the Trumpenfuhrer was elected President but they are too dumb to figure out Canada is to the north and too poor to get there ’cause they have liberal arts degrees. Commies To Canada.
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Wait a minute… is this podcast satire?
You aren’t asking me are you?
It’s pretty damn clear that I have no idea what is a satire.
Not a chance.
Whamnnnzzzz really do want to avoid responsibility.
For realz!
Calling women ‘bitches’ and ‘whores’ is unjust to female dogs and honest women.
I have indeed done the dogs wrong.
A canine bitch is loyal.
You aren’t wrong.
Typical female “logic” in action.
You push and push and push and when the other side finally hits back:
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! It’s clear that this situation is getting out of hand! You know, we’ve both said and done some things we probably now regret. So lets just admit that we both are at fault here and move on.”
I ran out of forgiveness a long time ago. Let the vaxxtards reap what they sown.
Another thing not to be forgotten is one of the other reasons for the Corona hysteria and the Left’s massive push in support of it. The Wu-Flu was to be the excuse to usher in UBI. Not only was sitting home on the dole necessary, but now also socially acceptable. Get back to work? That’ll kill grandma! Now we all can “quarantine” at home and collect infinite stimmies! Yeah! Bailouts for mainstreet!
And what was the price of that idiotic dream? The destruction of countless businesses, the highest inflation in over 40 years, and the potential death of the US dollar.
Women are only forgiving when forgiveness benefits them.
Which is not much of a nugget of wisdom when you consider women are only anything when that anything benefits them.
If only some men was capable of controlling them.