Linkage: 25 April, 2020 – Wuhan Weekend 1984 Hoax Updates, The Website Malfunction Edition. #CLSology #WuhanHoax #Wuhan1984
Here we are sliding into week whatever of the Wuhan Hoax like a beta male trying to slide into the DMs of an InstaThot. Without grace, without style, without a hope of success. The money printer continues to go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
This might be the longest linkage in the histories of linkage. I’m gonna have to stifle my commentary just to get this published on time.
Let’s begin with the hoax regarding the number of people who have died from Wuhan Virus.
New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it.
The new figures, released by the city’s Health Department, drove up the number of people killed in New York City to more than 10,000, and appeared to increase the overall United States death count by 17 percent to more than 26,000.
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Three thousand more people died in New York City between March 11 and April 13 than would have been expected during the same time period in an ordinary year, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, the commissioner of the city Health Department, said in an interview. While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.
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Public health officials say that counting the dead from a pandemic disease like Covid-19 presents difficulties because many of those who die are older or suffering from other serious health conditions. And the full effects of the outbreak on mortality in New York City, and around the country, could take many more months to study and understand.
Epidemiologists who study such events said a complete account would include an analysis of the number of the excess deaths.
Such an analysis can be “very hard to do” as an event is unfolding, said Sabrina McCormick, an associate professor of environmental and occupational health at George Washington University, who has studied excess deaths in heat waves. “This virus is moving so fast,” she said.
But, she added, an analysis of excess deaths is “the simplest and most straightforward way of measuring how many people have died from an extreme event” and can offer a more accurate accounting of the actual impact than the daily death counts provided by officials.
I have explained this to you. The numbers are inflated. NYC is “including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it.”
Presumed. Never forget these are the same idiots who proclaim they “believe in science” and thus global warming and astrology are real while race differences and sex differences (aka evolution) are social constructs.
How long ago did I tell you this would happen?
I told you this would happen and why it would happen. You’re welcome.
ANALYSIS: The coronavirus pandemic is extracting a heavy toll on Italy, with hospitals overwhelmed and a nationwide lockdown imposed.
But experts are also concerned about a seemingly high death rate, with the number of fatalities now outstripping the total reported in China.
Of 41,035 people confirmed coronavirus patients in Italy, 3405 so far have died – an increase of 427 in the last 24 hours.
By contrast, China has almost twice as many cases, 81,155, but 3245 fatalities.
In very crude terms, this means that around eight per cent of confirmed coronavirus patients have died in Italy, compared with four per cent in China.
By this measure Germany, which has so far identified 13,000 cases and 42 deaths, has a fatality rate of just 0.3 per cent.
So why the disparity?
According to Professor Walter Ricciardi, who is the scientific adviser to Roberto Speranza, Italy’s minister of health, the country’s mortality rate is far higher due to demographics – the nation has the second-oldest population worldwide after Japan – and the manner in which hospitals record deaths.
“The age of our patients in hospitals is substantially older – the median is 67, while in China it was 46,” Prof Ricciardi says.
“So essentially the age distribution of our patients is substantially squeezed to an older age and this is substantial in increasing the lethality.”
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association this week found that almost 40 per cent of infections and 87 per cent of deaths in the country have been in patients aged over 70. According to modelling, the majority of this age group are likely to need critical hospital care – including 80 per cent of 80-somethings – putting immense pressure on the health system.
But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may appear higher because of how doctors record fatalities.
“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.
“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three,” he says.
Other experts have also expressed scepticism about the available data.
Hat tip to Periodic Reset on Twitter for this link.
Let me repeat myself yet again. Medical professionals (fat women wear scrubs who make tic tok videos) have an incentive to exaggerate the number of Wuhan Virus infections and deaths. That incentive is they (fat women) get more of what they want. Attention and money.
You might say “But Great One! We know how wise you are and seek not to disagree with your greatness but how do you account for the fact that not all medical professionals are fat women? A small percentage of them are non-fat women and many of them are men.”
Oh they might be men or non-fat women biologically but believe you me, they identify as fat women.
Due to a change in how the state is calculating COVID-19-related cases and deaths, the state’s death count jumped considerably Tuesday from 1,204 to 1,564, a 360-case and nearly 29% rise.
However, just 60 of those deaths are “confirmed” deaths, the metric that the state has been reporting every day since the beginning of the pandemic. The other 300 are “probable” deaths, defined by state Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine as a patient who had COVID-19 listed on their death certificate as “a cause of or contributing cause of their death, but who did not have a positive test result.”
. . . . .
Pennsylvania’s count of all cases rose by 1,296 cases from 33,232 to 34,528. This figure now includes 315 “probable cases,” defined as somebody who has symptoms of COVID-19 and who has had close contact with a confirmed case, as well as 981 confirmed cases. The state will be reporting both confirmed and probable cases going forward, Dr. Levine said.
Allegheny County on Tuesday announced 17 new cases of COVID-19 and 12 new deaths, bringing the totals to 1,059 and 67, respectively. Of reported deaths, 55 are confirmed (had positive test) and 12 probable cases.
Probably deaths.
Otherwise known as guessing.
Anyone noticing a trend yet?
This morning, Oregon’s only major newspaper, The Oregonian, ran a story with a headline sure to keep people hiding in their homes:
In the article, writer Maxine Bernstein mentioned that the surge of COVID patients here in Oregon is expected to “reach its peak of cases around April 24 or 25” which would be 16 days from today.
What happened to logic?
I went to the gas station last night at 8:30pm here in Portland. The gas station is on a very busy street. The attendant told me I was his first customer since his shift started 30 minutes prior. We started talking, he told me he was worried about the surge. As I explained in my article last week, it’s mathematically impossible that the surge happens here in Oregon 16 days from now, and I will lay it out for you the way I laid it out for him:
Oregon went into “shelter at home” mode on March 23, based on an order from our Governor Kate Brown. Generally speaking, people who become infected with COVID-19 make it to the hospital (for the small minority of people who need to go to the hospital) 10-13 days AFTER they get infected with COVID-19. Since there is simply no doubt that Governor Brown’s shelter at home order has reduced the rate of transmission, that means the peak hospitalization time should be 10-13 days AFTER the shelter at home order was given, possibly sooner, but really no later. Why anyone with a brain would think the peak would happen one MONTH after a shelter at home order was given is beyond me, it simply makes no sense, because of the time between exposure and hospitalization for almost all cases.
The gas station attendant got it immediately. He felt relieved.
Hey, that “peak case” time is today. Go check the stats yourself. Let me know how that works out for you.
Maybe all that sheltering in place 1984 level totalitarian statist masturbation saved us from certain death. I mean it could be true right?
The question the model set out to ask was whether lockdown states experience fewer Covid-19 cases and deaths than social-distancing states, adjusted for all of the above variables. The answer? No. The impact of state-response strategy on both my cases and deaths measures was utterly insignificant. The ‘p-value’ for the variable representing strategy was 0.94 when it was regressed against the deaths metric, which means there is a 94 per cent chance that any relationship between the different measures and Covid-19 deaths was the result of pure random chance.
The only variable to be statistically significant in terms of cases and deaths was population (p=0.006 and 0.021 respectively). Across the US states, each increase in the population of 100,000 correlated with 1,779 additional Covid-19 cases, even with multiple other factors adjusted for. Large, densely populated areas are more likely to struggle with Covid-19, no matter what response strategy they adopt – although erring on the side of caution might make sense for global megacities such as New York and Chicago.
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The original response to Covid-19 was driven by an understandable fear of an unknown disease. The epidemiologist Neil Ferguson projected that 2.2million people could die in the US alone, and few world leaders were willing to risk being the one who would allow such grim reaping to occur.
However, as time has passed, new data have emerged. A top-quality team from Stanford University has pointed out that the infection rate for Covid-19 must logically be far higher than the official tested rate, and the fatality rate for the virus could thus be much closer to 0.1 per cent than the 2 to 4 per cent that was initially expected. And empirical analyses of national and regional response strategies, including this one, do not necessarily find that costly lockdowns work better against the virus than social distancing.
Holy fuck balls.
“The only variable to be statistically significant in terms of cases and deaths was population.”
You mean, people crammed together in large shit hole cities are more likely to get a disease than people not crammed together in large shit hole cities?
Who knew?
Who fucking knew?
Whatever you do don’t ever listen to The Great One. Cling like a woman to the dire predictions of the mainstream media, politicians, and experts.
Stanford Health Policy’s Eran Bendavid and Jay Bhattacharya write in this Wall Street Journal editorial that current estimates about the COVID-19 fatality rate may be too high by orders of magnitude.
“If it’s true that the novel coronavirus would kill millions without shelter-in-place orders and quarantines, then the extraordinary measures being carried out in cities and states around the country are surely justified. But there’s little evidence to confirm that premise—and projections of the death toll could plausibly be orders of magnitude too high.
“Fear of Covid-19 is based on its high estimated case fatality rate — 2% to 4% of people with confirmed Covid-19 have died, according to the World Health Organization and others. So if 100 million Americans ultimately get the disease, 2 million to 4 million could die. We believe that estimate is deeply flawed. The true fatality rate is the portion of those infected who die, not the deaths from identified positive cases.”
“The latter rate is misleading because of selection bias in testing. The degree of bias is uncertainbecause available data are limited. But it could make the difference between an epidemic that kills 20,000 and one that kills 2 million. If the number of actual infections is much larger than the number of cases—orders of magnitude larger—then the true fatality rate is much lower as well. That’s not only plausible but likely based on what we know so far.”
Could it all be *gasp* exaggerated? Could the predictions and panics of the *experts* be wrong?
Of course they aren’t wrong you fools! The experts are on the internet.
Say it with me friends and enemies.
“If it’s on the internet it must be true!”
Let’s let the numbers go for now. Especially since numbers are racist. Instead lets have a look at pictures. Pictures are worth 1000 words and when those pictures are on the internet you know they must be true.
You may have seen this image on the Twitterverse or some other form of social manipulation (aka social media).
There is a perfectly rational explanation. There is no conspiracy. It’s a website malfunction.
Hundreds of beach-goers in Jacksonville Beach, Fla., hit the sand after the mayor decided to ease some social distancing policies. But a conspiracy theory on Facebook calls foul on the media for using what appears to be the same photo to report on beaches of the east and west coasts.
One post published April 19 shows two screenshots of news stories that appear to have the same lead image. The photo shows a beach crowded with people, not all of whom are staying six feet apart.
But one headline is about Los Angeles County and the other is about Jacksonville Beach.
“How did all these SAME EXACT PEOPLE go to two different beaches and walk exactly the same?!” reads the caption on the post. “Media!!!”
The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.) It has been shared more than 12,000 times.
We’ve fact-checked several hoaxes about the media exaggerating the threat of the coronavirus pandemic. So we wanted to check this post out, too.
In this case, the reason for the matching photos appears to be much less interesting than a media conspiracy: It was a website malfunction.
It’s not a conspiracy. It’s a website malfunction.
To point out the website malfunction is fake news. The malfunction is of course not fake news.
I’m sure Feministbook providing tools for people to report other people for posting or sharing “fake news” isn’t a conspiracy either.
How is Facebook addressing false news through third-party fact-checkers?
We’re committed to fighting the spread of false news on Facebook. We use both technology and human review to remove fake accounts, promote news literacy and disrupt the financial incentives of spammers. In certain countries, we also work with third-party fact-checkers who are certified through the non-partisan International Fact-Checking Network to help identify and review false news.
Reducing the Distribution of False News
Identifying false news: we identify news that may be false using signs like feedback from people on Facebook. Fact-checkers may also identify stories to review on their own.
Reviewing stories: fact-checkers will review stories, check their facts, and rate their accuracy.
Showing false stories lower in News Feed: if a fact-checker rates a story as false, it will appear lower in News Feed. This significantly reduces the number of people who see it.
Taking action against repeat offenders: Pages and websites that repeatedly share false news will see their distribution reduced and their ability to advertise removed.
Providing More Information if you See False News
Providing more context on false news: when fact-checkers write articles with more information about a story, you’ll see them in Related Articles immediately below the story in your News Feed
Notifying people when they’ve shared false news: you’ll receive a notification if you try to share a story or have shared one in the past that’s been rated false by fact-checkers. Page Admins will also be notified if they share stories rated false.
Giving You More Tools to Identify and Give Feedback on False News
Learn how to spot false news. Knowing what to look out for can help you make more informed decisions about what to read, trust, and share.
Provide feedback on stories you think are false. Let us know if you think a story is false. This is one of the signs we use when trying to identify false news.
And we all know that Feministbook is a source of truth. It is on the internet you know.
Exclusive: Facebook agreed to censor posts after Vietnam slowed traffic – sources
James Pearson
HANOI (Reuters) – Facebook’s local servers in Vietnam were taken offline early this year, slowing local traffic to a crawl until it agreed to significantly increase the censorship of “anti-state” posts for local users, two sources at the company told Reuters on Tuesday.
The restrictions, which the sources said were carried out by state-owned telecommunications companies, knocked the servers offline for around seven weeks, meaning the website became unusable at times.
“We believe the action was taken to place significant pressure on us to increase our compliance with legal takedown orders when it comes to content that our users in Vietnam see,” the first of the two Facebook sources told Reuters.
In an emailed statement, Facebook confirmed it had reluctantly complied with the government’s request to “restrict access to content which it has deemed to be illegal”.
Vietnam’s foreign ministry, which handles requests from foreign journalists for comment from the government, did not respond to a Reuters request. State telecoms firms Viettel and Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) also did not respond to requests for comment.
Facebook has faced pressure to take down anti-government content in many countries over the years.
In Vietnam, despite sweeping economic reform and increasing openness to social change, the ruling Communist Party retains tight control of media and tolerates little dissent, ranking 175th of 180 countries on Reporters Without Borders’ World Press Freedom Index.
To that end, it keeps a close watch on Facebook, which serves over 65 million users as the main platform for both e-commerce and expressions of political dissent.
I suppose that so long as Femistatistbook is only “reluctantly” complying it’s all good.
What about when Femistatistbook initiates the censorship then openly claims they didn’t?
State governors have denied asking Facebook to remove ‘Reopen America’ event pages, saying that it was the social network that contacted them over the matter, not the other way around as initially reported.
Fake news CNN reporter Oliver Darcy tweeted Monday that Facebook had taken down pages promoting lockdown protests, pointing to California, New Jersey, and Nebraska, and saying that the action was taken “on the instruction of governments in those three states”:
Anti-quarantine protests being organized through Facebook in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska, are being removed from the platform on the instruction of governments in those three states because it violates stay-at-home orders, Facebook spokesperson @andymstone tells @donie.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) April 20, 2020
Before you shit yourself that the source is the evil racist sexist fagophobic anti-(((semetic))) we can follow the links provided.
Earlier Monday, a spokesperson said that “events that defy government’s guidance on social distancing aren’t allowed on Facebook” and had been removed following guidance from individual states.
The office of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy told POLITICO it consulted with the company but did not advise it to remove the protests. A spokesman for Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts said Facebook reached out last week regarding the state’s social distancing policies and was provided with publicly available information.
“The [Nebraska] governor’s office is not aware of any Facebook events regarding COVID-19 protests, and has not requested Facebook to pull any events down,” said spokesman Justin Pinkerman.
Who do we believe?
I have an answer to that question. No one.
Politico originally reported: “Facebook shuts down anti-quarantine protests at states’ request.” The article noted: “The world’s largest social network has already removed protest messages in California, New Jersey and Nebraska from its site at the urging of state governments who say those events are prohibited by stay-at-home orders, a [Facebook] spokesperson said” (emphasis added).
A later version of the same Politico article bore the new headline: “Republicans attack Facebook as network shuts down anti-lockdown protests.” The claim that Facebook had acted “at the urging of state governments” had been removed. Instead, Politico reported that a Facebook spokesperson “had been instructed by those state governments that the events are prohibited under the lockdown and social distancing orders that authorities have issued in response to the coronavirus pandemic.”
Did it originally say that? Maybe it did. Maybe it didn’t. Maybe it did but that was a website malfunction.
This is why I have such a low level of trust for anything on the interwebz. Everything can be changed at any time and no one will remember what came before. Unlike in 1984 where all the printed material has to be physically altered by hand the digital world allows the erasing or altering of information instantly. This is why I buy my books in dead tree form.
I’ve never had a dead tree book malfunction.
Website malfunction? Is that like a wardrobe malfunction?
Could we get a wardrobe malfunction for her?
Donie O’Sullivan
Apr 20
Spox for NJ governor says the governor’s office and Facebook had been in touch but, “The governor’s office did not ask Facebook to remove pages or posts for events promoting lifting the provisions of the governor’s stay-at-home order.”
Oh Femistatistbook. I remember when you were young and innocent and people like me joined up so we could find out if girls we wanted to ask out were single or not.
Now Femistatistbook serves no purpose other than enforcing the narrative of the State. And the girls aren’t worth stalking no more.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Monday told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that protests of stay-at-home orders that violate state social distancing rules organized through his social media platform qualify as “harmful misinformation” and will be taken down.
“How do you deal with the fact that Facebook is now being used to organize a lot of these protests to defy social distancing guidelines in states?” the “Good Morning America” anchor asked Zuckerberg. “If somebody trying to organize something like that, does that qualify as harmful misinformation?”
“We do classify that as harmful misinformation and we take that down,” Zuckerberg said. “At the same time, it’s important that people can debate policies, so there’s a line on this, you know, more than normal political discourse. I think a lot of the stuff that people are saying that is false around a health emergency like this can be classified as harmful misinformation.”
But here is the good news. Now that we know website malfunctions can erroneously use the wrong photo from a page as the share photo that totally explains this.
UK’s youngest Covid-19 victim also committed suicide in 2017. See for yourself.
And then 2017 called… The Irony couldn’t get any darker.
I’m sure it’s only a website malfunction.
And technology most never malfunctions. That why you can trust it with your secrets and your job.
But don’t worry. Technology (and fear) will keep the people in line.
How much of this is true? How much isn’t? How much of what you see on the internet do you believe? Do you believe the numbers? Do you believe the predictions? Do you believe that everyone who has a fever should be… What? Shot on sight? Put into a cage? Exterminated?
You can already be fired for thinking it’s ok to be white. You can already be fired for making a woman at work experience discomfort. Are you ready to be fired for coming within six feet of another person?
With its combination of the use of location data—however anonymous—shared without people’s permission, and a resulting restrictive and likely counter-productive crackdown on the ability to escape to the healthy outdoors, the California case manages to be thoroughly creepy without any benefit.
South Korea’s government at least manages to be creepy to some seemingly good end.
“South Korea quickly implemented legislation that would allow health officials to aggressively trace the footsteps of citizens who test positive for an emerging infectious disease. Using security camera footage, credit-card records, GPS data from cellphones and car navigation systems, they are able to pinpoint exactly where a person has been,” notes MarketWatch.
South Koreans can also download apps that tap into government tracking data to get details on any infected people in their vicinity. The system is very intrusive, but arguably helps people reduce the risk of getting sick.
China cranked the creepy factor up to 11 by requiring people to use apps that monitor their movements, assess their supposed risk of infection, and then present the results as a color-coded QR code that has to be shown to authorities on request. “A green code shows the user is not under quarantine and can move around the city freely, but those with yellow and red codes need to quarantine themselves at home or undergo supervised quarantine respectively,” according to the South China Morning Post.
Women love this shit. Women love alphas (the State) telling them what to do with their bodies.
Speaking of women, which I often do.
Now for something completely different! The latest round of hysterical emails from my mother.
In about 2 weeks were are gonna have a shit storm of virus cases..don’t know if you watch news on the internet, but thousands of people have now gone out to beaches and protests and such cause they are tired of staying home and keeping them selves safe…and they are dragging their kids out with them…and their AK47’s…. we have the dumbest country in the world….
This email was sent on April 19th. Thus, according to my mother there will be a “shit storm of virus cases” on May 3rd. She knows this because she watches the news. On the internet. And thus it must be true.
I also find it odd that we have the dumbest country in the world what with 13 years of public education, 4 years of college, and all the immigrants. With those three things going for us how could your country be so dumb?
Well, turned on the tv to see the austin news and the tv was on msnbc..some guy bragging about the miles of wall being built–while families go hungry and lose everything… fucking pos trump….oil prices are at -0…great… food lines go by the day….
Good. Build the fucking wall. Construction is an essential job. The families of the men (not women, men) building the wall are getting paid and buying food and feeding their families.
they are saying we are going to have another out break later in the year and everyone is encouraged to get a flu shot, cause it will also be flu season…
Well there it is y’all. “They” say. How can you argue with that?
We need Big Brother to beat this virus
Don’t let the civil liberties lobby blind us to the fact that greater state surveillance, including ID cards, is required
Clare Foges
Monday April 20 2020, 12.01am, The Times
‘Hands in the air! Step away from the Easter eggs!” The Keystone Coppery of recent weeks has had some people muttering darkly that we are heading the way of a police state. Those who style themselves as defenders of ancient British liberties will soon have bigger fish to fry: the digital surveillance tools that government hopes to use to trace the infected. Prepare for dire warnings of state intrusion and an avalanche of Nineteen Eighty-Four quotes on social media warning that Big Brother is upon us.
Yet if we are to beat a path out of this pandemic without destroying our economy, overblown concerns about threats to our liberties must be countered by pragmatism.
Women voting.
Freedom and progress.
Choose one.
Let’s take a left turn and do the twitter promoted headlines for the week.
“How do I wear a mask?” This is the intelligence level of average people.
I’ve told you. The State will milk this as long as possible.
The enemy is not invisible. The enemy is government.
This hero worship of health care workers needs to end.
Billionaires fund politicians. Who knew? I’m serious. Who knew?
‘Bout time.
Who is this ugly fat woman who is always in the background of every photo of my homosexual (((Jew))) Governor? And why isn’t she wearing a mask?
Told you.
I’m sure you are really concerned about the children.
Because the State will never let you have all the freedom you had before.
As they should. Hospitals are where people go to die.
Because what’s important in Colorado? The Broncos.
Obviously this girl has no pre-existing conditions.
I would probably hit that. Especially since she’s got a beer for me.
Gay. In every way.
Now that the multi-billion dollar international corporations have been bailed out the government might be able to spare some small change for small businesses.
Nice scare photo.
Two men have been arrested after “disgusting” racist stickers claiming to link migration with the coronavirus pandemic were posted in Sheffield.
The stickers bear the logo of the far-right Hundred-Handers group and read: “Open border, virus disorder” and “Pubs closed, borders open”.
Police said two men, aged 20 and 22, were held on suspicion of racially aggravated public order offences.
They have been released under investigation while inquiries continue.
The Local Democracy Reporting Service said the stickers have been seen on lamp posts, bins, bus stop signs and bollards around Granville Road, Paternoster Row, the Crucible Theatre, the railway station and near Norfolk Heritage Park.
Alex Gwynne, who spotted some and asked neighbours to help remove them, said: “Using this pandemic to spread racism and hatred is unacceptable.”
Ben Miskell, a local councillor, added: “This is absolutely disgusting and comes at a time where our diverse community is busy working together to tackle the virus.
“This sort of behaviour can damage community cohesion and relationships across the city. We’re all working together to try to combat the virus.”
He said he was working with the council to get the stickers removed urgently.
“We have got people from all sorts of different backgrounds working in hospitals, care and community groups that are coming together to help elderly neighbours – regardless of the colour of their skin or their origin in the world.
“These sorts of things are meant to just divide us rather than bring us together and capitalise on something awful that is happening in Britain for some really sinister aim.”
Well now, who are the Hundred Handers? Depends who you ask.
Tonight we’re filled with anger.
Two men were arrested having posted our stickers. As of this time they’ve been released pending an investigation.An investigation? Into what?
That pubs are closed but borders remain open? (They are.)
That a virus from China would have been stopped by a closed border? (It would.)
That mass migration will lead to us becoming a minority in our homelands? (It fucking WILL!)Do hate crime laws extend as far as ‘criticising open borders’?! Do they have a limit or is it merely a weapon to endlessly beat white people with?
Fuck every one of these people.
From the tranny freaks acting as stasi for this globalist oppression, to the liberal councillors (who holiday in Israel) that pressure corrupt police into action.
Liars and cowards all! They wake up lying, go about their day peddling those disgusting lies to each other and go to sleep telling themselves those same damn lies.
Lies that get our people beaten, raped and murdered!
These cowards won’t even let their failing system be criticised because they’re so scared!
The blood of our people is on their hands!We look upon our people with a clean conscience. Refusing their lies, we seek to end our suffering. To be free again!
Who among them can say the same?We all know the risks but we also know what’s at stake if we stay silent.
Stay safe and keep making noise.
Are the Hundred Handers patriots and nationalists?
A new far-right, white supremacist group is recruiting across mainstream and fringe social media platforms. The group, known as the ‘Hundred Handers’ takes its name from Greek mythology. The ‘hundred-handed ones’ were the three children of the Titans Uranus and Gaea. Each one had one hundred hands and fifty heads and possessed superhuman strength.
The group promotes anonymity. Each prospective member is prompted to send an email with their nearest city to an address shared on social media. They will then receive a zip file from ‘the head.’ They are then expected to print the material in the zip file and begin distributing it in public places.
On the first of each month, ‘the hands,’ as members are known, receive a sticker pack from ‘the head’ and are expected to stick the stickers in public places. On the stickers are inflammatory slogans such as, “we’re under attack,” “it’s okay to be white,” “reject white guilt,” “witness the reality of mass immigration,” “tired of anti-white propaganda?,” “multi-culturalism kills,” “feminism is cancer,” and “import the third world, become the third world.”
Some of their slogans are also anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic. Two pictures posted on the group’s Twitter page feature the slogans “No 2 Kosher,” and “No 2 Halal.”
Many of the stickers contain QR codes for people to scan. Some of these QR codes direct scanners to white-supremacist news and TV networks like Red Ice, while others direct them to an anti-immigration YouTube video entitled, “With Open Gates: the Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations.”
Or are they *gasp* raaaayyyyyccciiiiiiisst.
I gotta start wrapping this up. The weather is not as bad as I expected it to be today and you know what that means. Bike riding and trail running.
What with all the shit I’ve thrown at you today what are the lesson we can learn from all of this? Sometimes the Emperor is stark fucking naked.
Let me tenuously connect this rant to the subject of daygame. When browsing Jimmy’s Twitter account I saw him laughing at a link to manosphere name Donovan Sharpe. The guy was bragging about how a “man on a mission” lives out his day. Take a look at the photo he posted.
Like a homeless dude giving investment advice
He might want to change his testosterone provider because that shirtless photo just looks like a fat slob to me. And, frankly, I would not be bragging about shacking up with a fat lass. If photos like that of me surfaced on the internet, I’d get emergency injunctions to get them removed lest my reputation be forever tarnished [7]
The lesson of the Emperor’s New Clothes, as delivered by the impulsive kid at the end of the story, is to see things as they really are rather than how you’ve been carefully gas-lighted to think you should see them. Gas-lighting can only work when it appeals to our worst emotions, such as Pride in Andersen’s tale. When something (e.g. a classic) or somebody (e.g. a well-known PUA coach) is established as something to be taken seriously you should always first ask yourself: why? What has he / it done to deserve this position? When you’re new to an arena, say just getting into pick-up, it’s natural to not know up from down and to therefore look to the mob to tell you who to follow. That’s what all these poseurs with Twitter accounts, YouTube channels, and podcasts [8] are banking on. They are banking on your natural reticence to stand up, point at the emperor, and say “he’s not wearing any clothes.”
I confess I enjoy the limited number of Donovan Sharpe’s videos I’ve watched. The man is funny and lays smakedown of the gurlz. Having said that, the fact that he always has videos of himself playing on a computer screen in the background is either narcissistic or gay or gay narcissism.
Plus if you do in fact look at that photo of him without a shirt on up close… He looks like a blob. There is no muscle definition going on there at all.
Not to mention his schedule. Let’s break this down.
He’s doing 2 hours of weight lifting and TRT and his chest looks like that?
He’s doing 7 hours of “show prep” for a 1.5 hour show. How much prep do you need to do to call women whores? The man is funny yes. Does he say things that are true? Yes. Is he philosophical? No. His show can be reduced to “womynz are poopie-heads.” How the fuck does this take 7 hours of show prep?
Then he ends the day with Devon getting the D. Right…
We get it Donovan. You’re an expert. On the internet.
And now we’re in the home stretch boys and girls. Not only are we almost there but we are gonna take it out with some good news.
POLAND: Teachers Could Face 5 Years Prison for ‘Turning Kids Gay’
Legislation to treat sex-ed as ‘pedophilia’
Lionel Du Cane by Lionel Du Cane
April 21, 2020The Polish government is entertaining new legislation which could see sexual education taught in school and “the promotion of underage sexual activity” become criminalized.
Protesters gathered to demonstrate against the proposal, dubbed the “Stop Pedophilia” law, which could see sexual educators face prison sentences of up to five years if found guilty.
The purpose of the legislation is to “criminalize the promotion of underage sexual activity” suggesting that sexual education teachers “groom and familiarize children with homosexuality,” according to LGBTQ Nation.
Supporters of the legislation wrote in a statement that “The organizations and activists most involved in the promotion of sexual ‘education’ in our country are the LGBT lobby.”
“In Western Europe, members of these movements involved in implementing sex education in schools were convicted of pedophilia,” the document added.
However, Anna Blus, an Amnesty International researcher, called the legislation “outrageous” and “extremely vague and broad,” according to DW.
While decrying the potentially “disastrous effects” of the legislation, Blus added, “this bill will put young people at risk.”
LGBT activist Ola Kaczorek told Reuters: “This would make impossible for us as educators to come into schools and teach kids about humans, about what makes us us, and what’s gender identity or sexual orientation.”
“Usually school is not a friendly environment for non-heterosexual kids, but now it will be even harder,” Kaczorek added.
Poland does not currently have a mandatory sexual education curriculum. Educators, if the proposed legislation is passed, could face up to 3-5 behind bars for teaching sexual education to children as “Children are sexually awakened and familiarized with homosexuality.”
The bill was brought to Parliament through a petition–which would require over 100,000 signatures for the matter to be discussed.
In February, a third of Poland was declared an “LGBT-free” zone according to an “Atlas of Hate” map which had carved up the Central European country.
Go Poland go!
Homophobia in Poland is on the rise with about a third of the country now declared an “LGBT-free zone.” More than 90 Polish municipal and local governments, covering an area larger than the size of Hungary, have announced themselves as “free from LGBT ideology,” coupled with local laws that encourage intolerance toward LGBTQ people. The Atlas of Hate, an interactive map of Poland created by local activists, delineates these anti-gay zones as part of the LGBTQ community’s efforts to fight the proliferation of bigotry.
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Kaczyński, who in the past maligned migrants as carriers of “parasites and protozoa,” condemned the Warsaw mayor’s pro-LGBTQ declaration as “an attack on the family and children” and asserted that non-heteronormative relations are an “imported” ideology. Kaczyński was joined by Marek Jedraszewski, the archbishop of Krakow, who called the “LGBT ideology” a “rainbow plague.”
In May of 2019, Polish police arrested human rights activist Elżbieta Podleśna for holding posters of the Virgin Mary with a halo around her head and shoulders in the colors of the LGBTQ flag during the Equality March in the city of Częstochowa. The activist was charged with “offending religious beliefs,” which is illegal in Poland.
In July of 2019, the conservative Gazeta Polska newspaper issued “LGBT-free zone” stickers to readers. Facing backlash from activists, Polish opposition and diplomats, the newspaper’s editor in chief Tomasz Sakiewicz defended the move, saying: “what is happening is the best evidence that LGBT is a totalitarian ideology.”
The Warsaw district court ordered the newspaper to stop the distribution of the stickers pending the resolution of a court case. Gazeta’s editor scuffed the ruling as “fake news” and censorship. The newspaper continued to distribute the stickers, but modified the slogan to read “LGBT Ideology-Free Zone.”
. . . . .
According to the map, most of the discriminatory zones are concentrated in Poland’s south-east. Big cities remain relatively safe for members of the community. “Warsaw and big cities in Poland are asylums for the LGBTI community,” Gawron wrote. “It’s where we have clubs, associations, friendly politicians, and marches.”
When asked how these resolutions affect his daily life, Gawron said, “Physical violence is rare but you are accompanied by a constant fear of it erupting, compounded by the suffocating atmosphere and verbal aggression. You know that the police will consider violence for homophobic reasons as unimportant.”
“You maintain superficial social contacts with most people because you assume in advance that they are homophobic,” Gawron continued. “You wonder who would laugh at you, who would treat you with a passive-aggressive saint-lecture, and what these people might be capable of doing in times of historical extremes.”
This is fucking amazing news. Not only that but it must be true because it’s on the internet. There is a bloody map that will tell you where you the homosexuals, trannies, and other mentally ill people are least likely to be found at.
Polish Atlas of Hate Map
Let’s get real. Watch these videos and you’ll know why Hitler invaded Poland. It had nothing to do with politics. That’s a fact and you can believe it. Why? Because I’m on the internet.
And it’s true. Oh it’s damn true.
Speaking of hotness, let’s wrap this up with one of my internet girlfriends. The adorable Carey Wedler.
Yes I know she’s a (((Jew))). Thanks for pointing that out. But she is an “Anti-Israel Moron” as well. Besides, can you blame me for wanting to mix my perfect Aryan sperm with one of God’s Chosen People in an attempt to improve their race? See how diverse I am. See how much I care.
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