Linkage: 9 July, 2019 – Biodiversity Means Replacing European With African and Intelligence With Stupidity. #TheTriggering
In the video below some woman you’ve never heard of who hit the wall long ago talks about how important biodiversity is. She also talks about “we” as in the royal we.
“We” have increased crop production.
A loss of biodiversity will limit the ways “we” can use biodiversity to make our world better.
Just substitute “heterosexual white men” for each occurrence of “we” and the video becomes more believable.
Money shot. “We don’t know where the biodiversity that we currently have is heading.”
Yes we do. It’s heading to the replacement of white people of European descent with mystery meat welfare recipients who will vote for socialism.
It never ceases to fascinate me how inferior people can’t shut up about maintaining biodiversity until you get to humans. Once we are talking about humans the goals is to interbreed everyone and make genetically broken ugly mixed races babies that look like something from a low budget horror movie.
Do not give me this line about how mixed race children are beautiful. They are not. You know they are not which is why you are pushing the line about how beautiful they are so hard.
Should we take African elephants and Asian elephants and cross breed them to destroy their genetic diversity? No. Not a single person can you find who would offer evidence this is a good idea.
Should we take Africans and Europeans and cross breed them to destroy their genetic diversity? According the leftards yes. According to cucks yes. And if you disagree you are racist. Then the leftards and cusks will tell you that reducing the biodiversity of the human species via interbreeding is in fact diversity.
Reducing diversity by replacing the differing races with mystery meat mongrels is diversity.
Wrap your brain around that one and join me in hating the left and the cucks. Maybe The Goddamn Bacon has it right when he talks about solving problems with a machete.
Speaking of problems and non-solutions, the Z Man took some time away from cyberbegging to write about AI. I’ve gone on a bit about AI and the dangers it presents.
1. AI, the sci-fi wet dream AI of all the techno-losers and sigularity-seeking-fags, isn’t going to happen because part of what makes self-awareness a thing is the flaws inherent in the wetware of the human brain. Technology is, not perfect, but too unflawed in the right ways, to achieve consciousness. I have no evidence to back up that statement. I’m simply Stating The Obvious.
2. AI, such as it is, will do even more damage to our society and our freedom because the stupid people (aka the 99%) believe AI to be more powerful and intelligent than it is. AI chatbots are all the rage now. I had to interact with one yesterday in an attempt to get my internet service moved. These things are not intelligent. They are simply a facade over a series of multiple choice questions or a program that takes things you write and repeats them back to you. It’s like talking to Eliza or a woman.
There is a semblance of life but it’s just an empty room.
The stupid people will put great faith in AI and the ability of AI without realizing that the AI is simply computer software programmed to produce a specific outcome. Global Warming must be real because computer simulations show the Earth getting warmer. No, computer simulations show the Earth getting warmer because they’ve been programmed to show the Earth getting warmer.
The reality of artificial intelligence is that it is not here and it is not coming. One reason is we really don’t understand human intelligence. We have some sense of it, as in person X is smarter than person Y. We have some tests that give us an insight into individual and group intelligence, but those tests are imperfect. In fact, the so-called Flynn Effect may be the result of the flaws in testing. We may be picking up increases in things that are not a great influence on general intelligence.
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The fact is though, we really don’t understand human intelligence or human decision making very well. Therefore, creating artificial versions of something we don’t understand is unlikely. What we are calling AI today is just the result of technological progress in more mundane areas like disk capacity and bandwidth. We have an over capacity for data storage and all the bandwidth we need to connect it. That allows for faster processing of the same old boring tasks we have been performing for years.
There’s something else that works against the robot revolution. The smart fraction of the human race is getting dumber, not smarter. This is increasingly obvious to those who follow politics and current events. You can just look around your daily life and see that the basics of society are grinding to a halt in the West. Ed Dutton’s book, At Our Wits’ End, goes into examples and explanations for why we are getting dumber. Smart people in the West have fewer children and over time the results are manifest.
Of course, those Western populations have been the smart fraction of humanity for about 500 years now. The Chinese are certainly smart and there are a lot of them, but they have other characteristic that make them a poor substitute. They had 1000 years to take up the role of being the world’s smart fraction. Instead they created an insular society and put their smart people at work on astrology, calligraphy and turning the body parts of exotic animals into aphrodisiacs. They will not be the new smart fraction.
Then we have the swelling populations of the dumb fraction. Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing a population boom, which promises to flood the West. When people from Congo, the most backward place on earth, are turning up on the American southern border, it is fair to assume the West will be overrun by Africans. How many 85-IQ Africans does it take to sink the West? Detroit and Baltimore suggest a population that exceeds 25% is about the point where everything turns negative.
3. AI isn’t going to be able to take over doing the things that smart people (white men) and hard working people (white men) do.
AI isn’t going to build homes, install electrical wiring, unplug your toilet, pick up the trash, and pay taxes to provide welfare benefits to single mothers with four mystery meat children by three baby daddies.
AI isn’t going to start businesses that employ people who can create value for other people. And pay taxes (single mothers).
AI isn’t going to start businesses that have affirmative action hires so people who shouldn’t have jobs (single mothers) can get jobs where they are paid to do nothing.
AI isn’t going out on a fishing boat and catching salmon so I can have a tasty meal.
AI isn’t going to make the life of English teachers (single mothers) better. If anything AI might replace English teachers the way it has replaced fast food workers (single mothers). Fight for 15. Of course English teachers, fast food workers, (single mothers) same difference.
Speaking of differences, mystery meat and extinction…
Objectives. This study compared the health and risk status of adolescents who identify with 1 race with those identifying with more than 1 race.
Methods. Data are derived from self-reports of race, using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), which provides a large representative national sample of adolescents in grades 7 through 12. Respondents could report more than 1 race.
Results. Mixed-race adolescents showed higher risk when compared with single-race adolescents on general health questions, school experience, smoking and drinking, and other risk variables.
Conclusions. Adolescents who self-identify as more than 1 race are at higher health and behavior risks. The findings are compatible with interpreting the elevated risk of mixed race as associated with stress.
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Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race. Nevertheless, most mixed-race adolescents are at low risk. Most of the risk items we assessed may be interpreted as related to stress, so we may therefore choose to interpret mixed race as a source of stress. We cannot identify further the source of the stress. Subsequent research can start with the assumption of greater risk for the mixed-race-identified adolescent and try to identify the sources of stress. Only then can we recommend programmatic attention to mixed-race youths. Our comparison of mixed-race-identified adolescents on family structure, parent education, GPA, and PVT shows that on these culture-related nonrisk characteristics, mixed race youths have values in-between the constituent races, confirming a mixed-race cultural experience.
We all know where that stress comes from. It’s the stress of being oppressed by white people of European descent. These oppressed mixed race mystery meat children have it so hard. Think about this for a moment. Pretend your father is black and your mother is white and receiving welfare financed by taxes paid by white men with jobs because your father is in jail. Think about how difficult your life is.
You wake up in a house, with indoor plumbing, flush toilets, electricity, a refrigerator and stove. All created by white men. You eat food produced by white men (picked by brown men if your eating any veggies or fruit but you probably aren’t, you’re eating cereal with no nutritional value that’s coated with sugar) financed by welfare provided by white men. You get on a bus (white men) powered by gasoline (white men) travelling down a road (white men) which takes you to a school (white men) run by women (white men) where you are praised up and down all day long for your diversity and told how special you are and constantly reminded of how oppressed you are by those evil racist white men. Then you are medicated for your ADHD (having curiosity about the world).
Rinse and repeat.
Gosh. If only we could replace white men with AI.
If only those Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic (WEIRD) societies weren’t so damn (Bacon) racist. Don’t you white people of European descent understand that everyone else around the world is just like you? There is no difference in the races. The reason nothing of value to the world has ever been invented on the continent of Africa isn’t because of an average IQ of 85. It’s because white men are racist.
Africans, especially African women who naturally take to STEM like a fish don’t need no bicycle, have nearly invented all sorts of great things. Electricity, steam engines, space flight, submarines, toilets, the internet. But every time they get close to that moment of eureka a white man jumps in and stops them from inventing it and steals all the credit. You may think that Al Gore invented the internet but he was standing of the shoulders of a giant African woman.
Yes my friends. They are just like us. There is no difference between the races.
That’s why hiring people of different races creates diversity. Because the different races are different (the diversity part) but exactly the same (the egalitarian part). It’s like magic and magic is just like science. Global Warming.
Our linear thinking relies on testing beginning and end states of a process to see what consistent change occurs, but that assumption in turn requires us to see context, continuity over time, polycausality, and detail as error and not part of the equation, calculation, or theorem.
Even worse, science merged with our egalitarian assumptions arising from The Enlightenment™ which told us that each human had the capacity for “reason,” and therefore that we could share “universal” ideas which were true for every human being.
This led us to see humans worldwide as all the same creature, with only slightly different appearance. As it turns out, this is not only wrong, but led to us projecting us onto them. This came about through W.E.I.R.D. science:
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That in turn causes us to assume that the rest of the world is like us, when in fact, reality differs as understood in different areas and among different populations. We live in a bubble world created by our participation in our own moral, intellectual, and social systems that does not apply to others:
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When we consider universal humans, we deny the variation between human groups — regions, races, cultures, ethnic groups, social classes, families, individuals — that allows us to see the world differently:
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Science has misled us from the awareness that different groups not only have different “values” (an amorphous term even at its best) but literally live in different realities based on what their minds can process.
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All of our internal dialogue in the West since this time has consisted of a brave few trying to recapture the idea of order, or a pattern of organization larger than the individual, from the ravening herd created by individualism, which when collectivized becomes egalitarianism, or the demand that everyone can do whatever they want and society will soak up the costs.
This crushes our minds by forcing us into thinking that is based the illusory assumption that all humans are basically the same, have the same reason, and respond to the same tokens the same way.
Nihilists like myself reject this by embracing the idea that no universal perception exists, which is phrased as a rejection of a rejection of human universals:
Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.
Reading this in a broader sense, nihilism means a rejection of universal values, universal truths, and universal communication. You cannot say “blue” across cultures and achieve the same effect in the minds of each.
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That is part of the “consensual hallucination” of the “bubble world” in which we live here in W.E.I.R.D. societies, which are those which advanced enough to encounter the problem of individualism. No one else has made it this far, or faces this problem.
Genetics show us instead that people and groups have different abilities, including different specializations, which means that we see the world entirely differently, including what we do and do not notice.
It is truly a first world problem to have arrived at a point where we as a society are so superior to other societies that we have to deal with our superiority by pretending it doesn’t exist and in fact working very hard at all levels to destroy that superiority.
People have different abilities and see the world differently (diversity) and all these abilities and world views are equal (egalitarianism) except for the abilities and world views of heterosexual white men (racist, sexist, fagophobic).
If only white men could emulate the street-shitters in the story below. The story which may or may not be true. As a racist, sexist, fagophobic white man who enjoys sex with thin white women who have long hair and no tattoos I don’t believe everything I see on the internet. Especially since AI can now write the “news” such as it is.
And to be clear, while the AI can write news articles that are sometimes convincing enough that I wouldn’t be surprised to see them in the newspaper, it can’t write true news articles; the quotes and statistics are all made up.
Advantage human journalists — for now.
Maybe you journalist need to Fight For 15. And learn to code.
But I digress. Back to the street-shitter story which may or may not be true.
Police in India have saved a 3-year-old girl from imminent death at the hands of her own relatives, as they planned to “sacrifice” the toddler after getting the green light from her parents, local media reports.
The chilling incident took place in the Ganakpara village of Udalguri district on Saturday. Police arrived at the scene after they were alerted by villagers who spotted smoke billowing from the house of a local science teacher, identified as Jadab Saharia.
They became even more alarmed when they saw the teacher, along with his male and female family members, taking off their clothes after putting the 3-year-old on an impromptu altar, NDTV reports. The blood-curdling ceremony was to be conducted by a priest, armed with a long sword. The situation escalated quickly when the “priest” began brandishing his sword in an attempt to chop off the toddler’s head as part of the gruesome ritual.
Teacher. Ha. Haha. Hahahahahaha. Hahahahaha. Ha. Teachers care about the childryns.
Science teacher. Global Warming. I’m dying, dying from laughter. Can’t breath… Send help. Street-shitting science teacher. Egalitarianism. Equality. Diversity.
Can. Not. Stop. Enjoying. The. Decline.
Teachers in the United States also sacrifice children. They just kill their souls, minds and curiosity not their bodies.
Assuming (the mother of all fuckups by various baby daddies and subsequentially provided with welfare financed by white men with jobs) the above story is true we all know the solution for this behaviour.
Magic dirt.
A lot of racists will point at this sort of thing and say that these people are a bunch of disgusting savages, and so should not be allowed to transfer their entire population to the United States and Europe.
However, the absolute scientific fact of reality is that these people only do this sort of thing because they live in India, which is a third world shithole.
Why is it a shithole?
Because of white people – colonialism, the Hall of Cost, slavery, the Crusades and so on.
Once they are all living in America and Europe, they will finally stop doing things like this, once and for all.
Ya know what else is going to stop once these people relocate to Western countries? Western Civilization. But at least we will finally all be equal. And that’s what really matters.
Fuck indoor plumbing. That shit is racist.
Fight For 15. Learn to code. Remember what they’ve taken from you.
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Linkage: 9 July, 2019 – Biodiversity Means Replacing European With African and Intelligence With Stupidity. #TheTriggering — No Comments
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