Linkage: 30 April, 2019 – The Predator Becomes The Prey #TheTriggering
Hello friends and enemies. Let’s talk about another reason why right-wingers are even bigger cunts than left-winger.
The right loves to talk shit about muh guns but lacks the balls to ever use those guns for the purpose which the founding fathers (all white men of European descent) intended them.
Killing politicians and the people who serve them when said politicians seek to enslave the people of a given geographical region.
The leftard is perfectly open about it’s desire to kill it’s enemies. The leftard will not kill you with a gun held by their own hands. The left will kill you by getting you fired, getting you ostracized, isolating you and metaphorically killing you by making you irrelevant in your society and nation. If necessary to literally (Hitler!) kill you the leftard has men who work for the government who have guns who will be happy to put you in a cage or even kill you for your transgressions.
A rightard will tell you that he’s gonna use muh gun to defend himself. On that day far in the future when the government finally goes too far. This same rightard is too stupid to know the government has already gone too far and beyond.
Imagine your country’s government decided to put the opinions and interests of the citizens of another country’s citizens ahead of the opinions and interests of it’s own citizens. Got that in your mind? Great. Welcome to the European Union. The same EU that people in England voted to escape from.
When your government puts the interests for foreigners ahead of the interests of it’s own citizens that’s called treason. There are few times that I, The Great One, Himself – the founder of the Cynical Libertarian Society – on the interewebz for 19.5 years, podcasting for 14 years – I who am right, have always been right, will always, be right and have never been wrong – will call for death as punishment. Treason is one of them.
Treason to friends, family and nation (not government or country, nation – learn the difference) must always result in the death of the traitor.
The National Popular Vote bill is treason. These governments have openly stated that the interests of the populations of the other 49 states are more important than the interests of the group of people within those states whom those governments were elected by and are suppose to be serving.
And still rightards are waiting for the government to go too far.
The left isn’t waiting. The is left isn’t coming for you tomorrow. The left isn’t even coming for you today you fucking retard cuck. The left came for you yesterday. The past Sunday the left weaponized your women against you. The left took your children last week when you sent them off to school and college. The left has already won.
No one wants to admit it, but the ecosystems that we see out there in nature are mirrored within humanity. We have our apex predators, niche adaptations, generalists, and most of all, prey animals. In fact, most of us are made to be eaten by the rest.
In fact, humans invent the fiction of “equality” so that we do not have to see that in social interactions there are winners and losers. This benefits the shopkeepers, who do not want us to think about their profit margin, as well as the losers who do not want to feel bad.
. . . . .
At the same time, too many of them destroys civilization because they glom together into a sticky aggregate which then takes over power. We either kill them or they destroy us.
It may scare the Leftists to know that they are prey animals, but they should even more be scared by the knowledge that what is required for all of us to live well is that they be prey animals. Their rule destroys us; predators reaping them strengthens us.
As humanity comes out of the fever delirium of eglitarianism, we are looking again at natural metaphors for what we do. Nothing humanity has created approaches the wisdom and efficiency of nature, and so instead of fearing the predator, we find ourselves praising it.
Not only have you been defeated – you have been defeated by prey animals. You have been defeated by the herd.
Leftists must die for civilization to survive. Yet the right is terrified of … take a guess what I’m gonna say the right is terrified of doing…
Well yes, that.
Yes and that.
The right is terrified of turning off the welfare and taking political power away from women.
Leftists are prey animals. And the right, instead of being predators, is actively protecting the left (their natural prey and natural enemies) from being preyed upon. There is a fox in the hen house and the fox isn’t eating the hens. The fox is defending them.
Not just in America, but across the West, people are waiting for the signal that war has finally come. We know that we cannot continue to exist as we have, surrounded by enemies, hopelessly divided internally between those who want first world and third world societies.
If we look carefully at the Left, we see that they want a third world society: based on individualism, its primary goal is to reduce friction between individuals, so it makes them “equal” and adopts permissive moral standards.
The result of that type of thinking is an anarchic society where everyone depends on jobs and government for a sense of orientation in the world, and the organic things like culture, heritage, customs, and faith are forgotten.
We want a different world, one based on autonomy more than individualism; we accept that, in exchange for this, there are no guarantees and we may die. We would rather guide ourselves, have less red tape, spend less time on jobs and paperwork, and risk death than have “safety.”
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We know that for civilization to exist in the long term, we need a few things. There has to be a culture, which is tied to a heritage and not (political) “values” like legal and economic systems, leaders, a hierarchy, customs, faith, and a sense of purpose.
The individualists totally oppose that, and are joined by special interest groups who want their own interests — pet issues, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, race — to take precedence over all else. This is an undeclared war over who will rule our civilizations.
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The Left, feeling its control weaken, has retaliated by destroying more good people. They are doubling down on censorship, both by public and private entities, and on political correctness, which allows them to declare someone persona non grata for having non-Leftist speech or opinions.
The rage builds. This is a good thing; the opposite of rage is not love but apathy, and we have languished in apathy for too long, which is a sign of hopelessness and despair. Instead, people are waking up to the fact that we can be not dying again.
The two sides see each other clearly now. We cannot wait for the day when the flag falls and we can start fighting. This is not a war of strategy; we realize that it is a war of attrition. They are trying to kill us, so we must kill them and their allies.
We hunger for the day when we can start cleansing the land of those who oppose us.
Brett is a very very very smart man. That’s why I read (and you should too). Brett doesn’t seem to understand anarchy however.
It’s not in Ancapadise where you have “an anarchic society where everyone depends on jobs and government for a sense of orientation in the world, and the organic things like culture, heritage, customs, and faith are forgotten.”
That right there is a description of statism. There is no dependence on the government in a nation that has no centralized government that redistributes wealth backed by the threat of imprisonment and violence.
Brett is also wrong about this one. “Not just in America, but across the West, people are waiting for the signal that war has finally come.”
The signal has come. The left has been pissing in your face for 20 years or more. And still the right is waiting for the signal. Waiting for the right moment.
I got news for you. It’s like approaching girls.
The right is waiting for the left to signal the moment the war begins. This is like waiting for a girl to signal the moment you should approach her.
There is no right moment. There is no signal. You have to decide to go in. You have to go in. You have to make now the right moment. You have to manage the outcome. You don’t wait for a fucking signal. You make reality.
Or you can go home and masturbate to interwebz porn.
Girls want interesting men but if you’re only doing a certain activity just to get girls then your superficiality will shine through which completely undermines your supposed level of being interesting.
. . . . .
What would I want out of a woman now? What do I need from a woman now?
Nothing. I simply can’t be bothered. And I’m in the prime of my life. Girls, it was already hard enough dealing with you, but you’ve all gone and made it so hard that it’s not worth the trouble. Add to that the fact that the vast majority of you are seriously damaged goods but you reckon that you’re goddamn princesses and we’re talking about a major imbalance between fantasy and reality. The goods that are on offer are not even close to the asking price. For the vast majority of you, your sexual market value for me is a big fat zero. Actually it’s in the negative; I wouldn’t take the time to get to know you if you paid me.
Kinda liberating really.
You know who else has a market value of zero?
The alt-right.
You’re a bunch of fucking princesses talking shit about muh National Socialism and muh Trumpenfuhrer and muh guns. You too have a major imbalance between fantasy and reality.
You want to take back your nation. You want to save Western Civilization. But you don’t want your enemy to miss a meal or be homeless or lose a job.
The problem with the right is that they have compassion for other people. And that prevents them from allowing the left to die.
The left lacks compassion (which is why they talk about how compassionate they are) which is why they will destroy the lives of their enemies and feel nothing in the process.
Thus in a Twilight Zone twist ending the prey becomes the predator and the predator becomes the prey.
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I loved you pointing out that the alt-right are a bunch of princesses. Matt Forney is a perfect example of an alt-right princess, if I remember correctly two years ago in Charlottesville there was a relatively tame physical altercation (by football standards) between antifa and the alt-right which culminated in a nazi being surrounded by a bunch of commies in his car and him running over some fat leftist bitch while trying to escape. This skirmish spooked our little princess so much that he moved to Hungary out of fear of being hunted down by antifa members from a certain facebook group and within a week he found Jebus of all things, afterwards he started denouncing every alt-right leader for not doing enough to “stop the violence” and began calling everything Satanic, everything from homosexuals having buttsex with each other to boys and girls holding hands before marriage. Mind you, this Matt fella was apparently a pickup artist before turning into a Christfag.
My problems with the alt-right…
-How are you going to impose your “alternative conservative values” on society if the thought of running over a bunch of commies with your car horrifies you?
-How are you going to impose your “alternative conservative values” on society if you’re not even willing to throw acid in the face of single mothers like Muslims do in the UK? There needs to be a deterrent for whoring out.
-How are you going to impose your “alternative conservative values” on society if you don’t believe in racial segregation? The reason conservatism managed to glue society together back in the ’20s-’30s was because we were still +90% white and the niggers were hanged, nothing can hold us together now that we’re less than 60% white.
-Why does every alt-right coward turn to Christ as if Christianity can save Western civilization? Christianity is dead, it died with the kings and it took this globalist Pope to make it official. The only place where Christianity is still relevant today it’s Russia, however their people are 81-82% white and you can potentially add another 3% to that number if you count the Ukrainians as white. We all know the formula: “diversity + proximity = war”, except there’s no diversity in Russia.
In conclusion; either cut the welfare/take women’s rights away and get ready to kill the thugs that will come for your resources anyway, or just enjoy the decline like a grownup. No, sadly the handsome blue-eyed man on the cross won’t make reality go away princess.
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