Linkage: 9 October, 2018 #TheTriggering
Over and over and over and over (like a fucking broken record) I tell you . . . “What ever people tell you they is what they are not. What they tell you they are not is what they are.”
Since society broke down some time ago and the family collapsed with it, most of us inherit none of the wisdom of fathers and grandmothers that forms the basis of the “social capital” passed on to children in a functioning society. We are cast out with nothing but self-help books to guide us.
As a result, we do not know even the basics of reading people. Conventional wisdom a century ago held out something we might call The Inversion Rule, which states that whatever people have to tell you about themselves is probably wishful thinking; whatever they do not have to tell, meaning that it is evident, is likely true.
The simplest example of this comes from the millionaires in your neighborhood. There is a guy driving a BMW, yes, who thinks highly of himself, but he is not the millionaire. The millionaire lives down the street and drives an old Chevy, because by saving money and investing it, he makes an actual fortune.
He has no need to show off; why would he? The proof is in his portfolio. He has no need to impress those around him by the choice of car he drives, mainly because he can drive whatever he wants and still be who he is, and still have people want to interact with him.
Most of the people out there who are driving fancy cars and living high on the hog are doing so because they are trying to signal something to the rest of us.
This social status signaling, as Tom Wolfe might have called it, allows them to construct an identity that is more than what they are.
For today’s episode, I’m joined once again by Tom Kawczynski, former town manager of Jackman, Maine and author of the book Someone Had to Say It.
We’ll be discussing white culture, family, politics, economics, nationalism, strategy, the anti-white racism of Sarah Jeong and the New York Times, and ANOTHER new book Tom just wrote called The Coming Civil War, which will be out soon.
“I really want to move on” is code for “I don’t want to be held responsible for my mistakes”. And thanks to betas, white knights and cuck she will not be held responsible.
The career of one of the first female infantry Marines has come to an ignominious end after she admitted to having a romantic relationship with a Marine under her command whom she later married, Task & Purpose confirmed on Wednesday.
Cpl. Remedios Cruz has been reduced in rank from sergeant and will be separated from the Marine Corps per an agreement negotiated with prosecutors that allowed her to avoid a court-martial on charges of fraternization, adultery, and accessory to larceny, the New York Times first reported on Wednesday.
Cruz’s Article 32 pretrial hearing officer had recommended that she be punished administratively, but her battalion commander instead recommended that her case go to trial, II Marine Expeditionary Force spokesman Maj. Rob Shufford told Task & Purpose on Wednesday. Before the charges could be referred to a court-martial, Cruz and her attorney reached the pretrial agreement.
“She agreed to plead guilty at non-judicial punishment and waived her right to an administrative separation board,” Shufford told Task & Purpose in an email. “She has since plead guilty at NJP and the administrative separation process is currently pending final action.”
Cruz was one of the first three female infantry to join the Marine Corps, the New York Times reported. She joined 1st Battalion, 8th Marines in January 2017. She told the New York Times, “The biggest mistakes I’ve made in the infantry were from my personal relationships. I really want to move on.”
(Task & Purpose was unable to reach Cruz for comment on Wednesday)
Even before the global warming hoax, the media would hype weather events to the point of absurdity. Now that we are expected to believe that unpleasant weather is caused by capitalism and by people liberals don’t like, the weather report is as fake as anything else in the news.
Watch and laugh as this Weather Channel reporter struggles to keep his footing in the ferocious Florence winds, while others casually stroll past in the background:
In George Orwell’s 1984, the psychological enslavement of Winston Smith is symbolised by him believing that 2 + 2 = 5. Orwell understood well that all totalitarian regimes, relying as they do on coercion and force, require their citizens to lie publicly in order to signal allegiance to the regime. This is because all totalitarian systems are built on lies, and as Orwell is supposed to have said, during times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
We live in a time of universal deceit. The deceptions upon which the power of our illegitimate establishment rests are to do with identity: race, gender, culture, sexuality and faith.
That’s why it is imperative that we be able to speak such truths as that Mohammed was a pedophile.
Believing that 2 + 2 = 5 is nothing compared to the cognitive dissonance the straight white male is expected to endure in the current year. While study and financial opportunities are lavished on other groups, the straight white male is expected to apologise on cue for the original sins of patriarchy, colonialism and privilege. He must stay mute while he is mocked in movies and on TV, while his children are brainwashed against him throughout their schooling and faces like his disappear from his city’s streets. Failure to do so can result in loss of employment, ostracism and public humiliation through the media.
That Mohammed was a pedophile is not seriously disputed. It is not an opinion. It’s a fact. The Hadiths say clearly that Mohammed would fondle Aisha when she was a little girl (Bukhari 6:298), that he married her when she was 6 and consummated the relationship when he was 54 and she was 9 (Bukhari 7.62.88).
We call someone who does that a pedophile, and put them in prison. In Islamic societies, such practices are customary. The Koran states that Allah himself considered Mohammed to be the ideal man (Koran 68:4, 33:21).
Is it any surprise then to us that Islamic enclaves within Western societies have problems with pedophilia and child marriage?
Without 9/11 there is no widespread terrorism, no migrant crisis, no ISIS, no creeping totalitarianism here at home. It has bred nothing but suffering, fear and death.
We’ve never gotten to the bottom of exactly what happened, why and by whom that day. But like many of the problems Western civilization is facing today, once we start the journey of looking into the events of that Tuesday morning in Lower Manhattan, all roads lead to Tel Aviv.
Let’s forget the usual talking points that 9/11 ‘truthers’ focus on.
Forget that 1 and 2 World Trade Centres were built to be virtually indestructible, with reinforced steel cores that melted and left a smouldering mass which burned for at least three months after the attack.
Forget that this destruction was achieved with two aluminium planes and that steel beams melt at 1,525C.
Forget that it is standard operating procedure to scramble jet fighters in the US whenever a jetliner goes off course or radio contact is lost, and that between September 2000 and June 2001, interceptors were scrambled 67 times. On the morning of 9/11, the hijackers were able to fly the planes for more than half an hour off-course while NORAD stood down.
Forget that the third building which came down that day in New York, WTC 7, was not hit by a plane, was 110 metres from WTC 1 and has been identified by leading demolitions experts as a textbook controlled demolition.
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