Linkage: 30 October, 2018 #TheTriggering
This edition of linkage features photos I have taken here in The People’s Republic of Fort Collins, located in the Soviet Sector of Colorado. I wanted to give you a little taste of what I see around me all day long.
Yes boys, put on your Sunday clothes and come on out for the Cupcake Cabaret Burlesque Revue. What’s that? You don’t like burlesque? What is there not to like about fat women with womynz studies degrees who almost take their clothing off? Are you sexist?
Yes, the one on the left is a man. What? Are you sexist?
Actually some of the others are questionable in the female department as well…
Modern society expects a woman to become an obedient worker to a company, leaving the last word to her clients and to her boss. The same society frowns upon her if she states that she leaves the last word to her husband because she accepts him as the leader of the household.
Yet we are not expected to see the incredible bias of a so-called “diverse society” that does not include the diversity of opinions. In this society, the teachers tell us what is official truth, and then we go out into the world and find out that in fact life is far more complex than their simple world of absolute categories and universal rules.
Women are instructed to act like men, although deep down we all know or eventually and painfully figure out that men do not fall in love with these male-imitating women, even if they may find them sexually desirable in the short term due to the ease of acquiring sexual intercourse.
In the real world, men dream of finding the other: the alter ego, the complement, the soft side, the mystery that warms their hearts and gives peace to their minds. There is clearly a bug in the system if official truth does not resemble reality at all.
We have been trained like dogs to optimize our customer service skills in order to increase the profit of a company, yet we are not expected optimize our behavior for the benefit of our relationships, our society, and our people. Our society has forgotten that having a healthy demography is a prerequisite to the survival of our civilization, and that comes long before concerns about corporate profits and political stability.
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Think about new verbal creations such as: macho, chauvinist, toxic masculinity, feminist, career woman, working mom. Notice the negative or positive connotations of these terms which program us with expectations of certain behavior.
For several decades, they have filed masculine men in a negative context and women demanding special treatment in a positive complex.
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In this new age, terms like “social justice warrior,” “soy-boy,” “cuckservative,” “feminist,” and, last but not least, “traitor” will designate the people who end up in a future Hall of Shame, if not in prison or perhaps on boats to third world countries where they can enjoy the type of society they wanted to force upon us.
I’m linking this video in such a way that it starts near the end with Stefan’s conclusions/summary/analysis. He is spot on. You can go back and listen to the rest of the video but I’ll give you the Cliff Notes version. Femistatist women dated and fucked a man who was abusive to them. Because broken women (femistatists) are attracted to broken men (rapist, criminals, leftists, and femisymps). I’ve been telling you this for how many years now?
Available in one of our local independent book stores. If you go to a girl’s house and see one of these . . . run.
An excellent podcast from Grandpa Lampshade. He covers: rape accusations, VirginTOWs, arranged marriages and the war between the generations.
It’s time for another installment of Grandpa Lampshade’s Thoughts of the Day and have we got a jam-packed show for you this week! We’re going to open with a discussion about people making public accusations. As an example, we have Trump’s latest nominee for the Supreme Court who the Jews are trying to discredit with an anonymous accusation from 30+ years ago and this is against a guy who from all appearances has led a relatively upright life. Apparently it’s not enough that women can make accusations against you with no proof, now they don’t even have to tell you who your accusers are.
If high school conduct from thirty years ago can be used against you then anything can.
We’ll move from this into a discussion on the relations between women and men in general in our current jewed out society. As I’ve pointed out before, it’s sad that something that should be so natural has become so convoluted and complicated.
In what may come as a shock to many of you, I personally blame the Jews.
Remember when I talked about FoCo Cafe? It’s a restaurant where they don’t have set prices for food – you pay what you want to pay. Additionally the people who do the food preparation and serving are volunteers. Of course the people who run the restaurant get paid. Well friends, they need you to save them. Because apparently a business model of not having set prices and not paying your employees doesn’t work. How much you wanna bet that all the people who profit from FoCo Cafe support Fight For 15.
I’ve been telling ya this one for ages as well. Leftists are conformist. There is virtually no variation in the beliefs of leftist. They are the most cookie-cutter people alive. Every leftist you ever encounter has the same world view. The one they had when they were eight years old. Open boarders, right to abortion, tax the rich, cut the military, gender is fluid, men are violent, believe women, global warming is real, Republicans are racist, everyone is equal, more gun control. There is no variation at all.
So liberals really are the NPCs that the NPC meme mocks. No wonder they’re so butthurt over it! No one likes to have their underbellies exposed to fang and claw, or to have their carefully steered ship of self dashed violently against the rocks of realtalk.
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So, liberals are:
more conformist than are conservatives
less ideologically diverse than are conservatives
more intolerant of different views than are conservatives
less open-minded to alternative views than are conservatives
more susceptible to groupthink than are conservatives
more prone to rigid thinking than are conservatives
You ever get the sense that modren shitliberalism is just a mass exhibition of psychological projection?
I’ve noticed that if a poster features white people the poster is about something negative. Alcoholism, rape, racism, drug addition, smoking tobacco, supporting Trump, so forth. If the poster features coloured people – I mean people of colour – then it’s about something positive. It’s almost as if there is a war against white people. But if we pretend otherwise maybe it will go away.
As predicted, America has chosen diversity as the hill on which it plans to die.
Despite historical knowledge which tells us that multi-ethnic societies become divided against themselves, America decided that it was exceptional, meaning that the rules did not apply to it. As a result, it has now turned itself into a full totalitarian regime in order to enforce “anti-racism.”
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Diversity may turn out to have simply been a great distraction in the end. Instead of worrying about how much we are failing, we can worry about whether or not the poor third world people are doing well. It is the moral equivalent of having a pet instead of children, which is something many of our people are doing anyway.
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The removal of from the internet, first by its hosting provider and next by its registrar, just finalizes the death of the original idea of America and of the internet. We wanted to be able to have open discussion and access to all information; we got, at the end, something like a state-controlled television channel.
Gab was removed in the wake of the Tree of Life shooting in which another suicidal white nationalist committed murder of minorities at a religious institution. Like Dylan Roof, he meant well but fought the wrong enemy.
The enemy is within. It has always been us, in that we chose some stupid but addictive ideas like individualism and equality, and then applied them, turning our society into a tool for enforcing them. This brought us mob rule and now ushers us into the dumpster of failed empires as we reverse all of our founding intentions and become yet another totalitarian state.
And this is my point about blacks, jews and single mothers. To criticize one is to criticize all and you must be censored. These three groups are beyond critique. And if you are beyond my critique that means you are not my equal.
Sayoc criticized one Jew, but that is not the same as criticizing all Jews.
If anti-Semitism is “vegetables,” then criticizing Soros is a “carrot.” Saying that criticism of Soros is anti-Semitic, then, is like saying that all vegetables are carrots, when the best we could say is that all carrots are vegetables.
That assumes that Sayoc’s criticism of Soros occurred on the basis that Soros is Jewish. Otherwise, his criticism is explicitly anti-anti-Semitic, in that instead of treating Soros differently for being a Jew, he ignores that portion of Soros’ possible motivations, and treats him like anyone else.
Trump did not say, in classic ad hominem, “George Soros is a Jew and therefore we cannot trust what he says.” Instead he said that George Soros is George Soros, and therefore we should distrust him based on his past behavior and statements.
In the same way, the media notes that some Alt-Righters are white nationalists and calls all Alt-Righters white nationalists. They are using broken categories, committing the fallacy of composition.
Oh yes boys, it’s No Man’s Land. Where they will “redefine feminine” and “all genders welcome”. Except for men. Unless those men are feminine.
Finally we here from Adam Piggott who reminds us of that thing I’ve been preaching about for years. Self awareness.
Yep, I was wrong. Horribly wrong. Arrogantly wrong.
My incorrect assumption was that once you have frame then you’ll always have frame. Not so, grasshopper.
You can lose frame in a moment. In my case it was a plane ride. So you need to actively keep your frame which means you will at times need to utilize game. Entire article debunked. But let us keep going to make this painful process really worthwhile.
As a boy it is your responsibility to become a man, in spite of all the hurdles placed in your path. In fact, the hurdles help make the man. This responsibility is to yourself, but it is also to society. Marriage as an institution does not exist for men and women. It exists to protect and nature the children of such a union.
Looking back, how I could blindly write this while my wife and I did not have children is incredible to me. Because the quote is correct; marriage does exist for the benefit of children. But I must have thought that I was one of those special and unique sunflowers because my mommy and daddy told me so.
And what if you do make a man of yourself, you find what you think is the right woman but you still end up divorce raped? There are no guarantees in life.
Irony stick, meet Adam’s face. Adam’s face, say hello to irony stick. Pleased to meet you, I’ll have another 27 smacks about the head, thanks.
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Linkage: 30 October, 2018 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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