Linkage: 23 October, 2018 #TheTriggering
Who would have guessed that Russian TV would become a source of truth about events in the United States? Not I?
They have been “empowering women” since 1881 . . . and there is still a pay gap. I think we’ve identified the problem.
What we’re about
We’re local Longmont area women supporting the AAUW mission of advancing gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy.
AAUW (American Association of University Women) has been empowering women as individuals and as a community since 1881. Today, we’re focused on economic security, education and training, and leadership.
Longmont’s local AAUW branch celebrated it’s 70th anniversary in 2017 and since 1947 its members have been actively worked together to improve the lives of women and their families in our community.
We’d welcome you to join us and help advance these important issues in our local community.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Pay Equity … Show me the money! Forum
Explore the problem, learn the consequences, understand what can be done … Panelists are Tina Harkness, Employers Council; Jonathan Singer, CO State Representative; Amanda Ericson, HR Professional. Bring your interest and questions for this interactive session.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Sexual Harassment … What everyone needs to know
Interactive evening for students, parents, and community members on what sexual harassment is, what you should do about it and much more, featuring:
* JP Butler – President of the Safe Shelter Board in Longmont
* Olga Cordero – Education Equity and Community Engagement Coordinator for the St. Vrain Valley Schools
* Paul Meese – Executive Director, Organizational Development and Human Resources at Front Range Community College
* Maya Amidon – T.E.R.A. leader and Senior in Silver Creek High School’s Leadership Academy
An excellent episode of The Dick Show. Harmful Opinions, being responsible for your fuck ups, why Cards Against Humanity sucks (and I have to agree with their assessment), another reason democracy always fails and much much more.
Next, Harmful Opinions a “Professional Autist” calls in to The Dick Show this week to talk about degeneracy, anime, Hot Goss, YouTube shills, Candid, the media, feminism, and most importantly anime. Here are some of my favorite Harmful Opinion Remixes. His channel recently vanished from the face of the Earth, but he assures us it will be back soon. Not soon enough for this asshole.
If you’re looking for more in-depth fodder, Harmful Opinion has resurrected bits of his YouTube channel. I find the floating brain extremely satisfying. I wish there was some kind of similar floating thing I could use for this show, but I can’t figure out what it would be. Maybe you have a suggestion.
Madcucks calls in to offer an asshole of his own regarding recent accusations of his crying. The Consuelo Podcast airs another episode. Matty M sends in an erotic story, and I announce the first dates for the Road Rage tour–
but not before a twenty minute mansplaination of the fundamental failures in the Bill of Rights that led to the erosion of democracy in America over the last 200 years and also taxation is theft.
Remember The Trumpining? The rage. The crying. The gloating. Listen to Dick gloating about Donald Trump’s victory. A most excellent episode of The Dick Show.
Once upon a time, I met a man running for President of the United States of America. Everyone laughed at him, but I looked him right in the eye and I told him he had to win. He gave me an affirmative nod, and then he did.
Then I gave a drunken TV interview on the local news about it. It’s a Norman Rockwellian story, a slice of Americana that I’ll tell to my grandchildren one day–or more honestly my sister’s grandchildren, while we’re sitting atop a big beautiful wall that has a big beautiful door in it that protects our nuclear-irradiated hellscape from their nuclear-irradiated hellscape in a post-Trumpocalyptic America, like Humpty Dumpty’s id in some kind of fucked dystopian anime.
“But what did your book taste like, Uncle Dick, you fat, fucked asshole?” The children will ask because kids will be extremely foul-mouthed in the future, and degenerate.
“I don’t know, my little cucks. I don’t know what my book tastes like, because I never had to eat it. Someone else did. But that’s a story for another time…”
Everyone is scrambling to figure out how the woman America loved to cringe over was beaten by a guy who set a Guinness World Record for longest stand-up comedy routine at 14 months and counting.
I briefly stick my dick into that Kool-Aid without knowing the flavor with the following contribution: telling people who disagree with you they’re racist and sexist and stupid just isn’t very funny. It may be a good way to argue, but no one voted for elementary school president because they argued the best, they voted for whoever gave the funniest speech. Nothing has changed. Someone should have shown Hillary Clinton an episode of Married with Children last year and said, “Actually, Mrs Clinton, Mrs. Darcy is the unlikeable character in this show. People want her to lose.” But hindsight is 2020.
Remember that episode of Married: With Children when Al Bundy trains Buck to do the NO MA’AM salute to annoy Peg? But then Marcy sees it, gets offended, and has Al arrested and sent to jail for a year under a new anti-offensive speech ordinance? You might not remember that episode because it never happened. It’s too preposterous for a plot of Married: With Children. However, that exact series of events is currently happening in real life to a man from Scotland.
In today’s episode, Count Dankula calls in and talks about training his girlfriend’s pug to do a Nazi salute to annoy her, and then getting arrested for it, getting lynched by the press, and now facing trial and up to a year in prison for a harmless prank.
Here is a video of the prank:
Dating apps distort reality. Not only are women inundated with attention, all of the communication is squeezed down into text message form – the 90% of language which is non-verbal is lost, as is reciprocity and subconscious attraction triggers. There are three problems with this:
1. Women don’t realize that not all attention is equal. Most of the messages they received were composed while the guy was sitting on the toilet. 100 “pinching a loaf” Likes are worth less than a single look across a crowded room, but women don’t realize this anymore than men, upon receiving a tit pic, realize that she’s sent this same pic to a hundred other guys and that he’s not special.
2. The seemingly endless supply of men creates a “spreadsheet” mentality. The woman applies a variety of black-and-white heuristic, most of which are universal preferences amongst women (height, fitness, income, looks) creating an elite 20% who receive so much attention in return, that they can never reciprocate it fully. In real life these preferences would be flexible; on the dating apps they’re absolute.
3. With so many options, the text messaging becomes less about getting to know someone, than keeping her entertained. After all, there are a hundred other (theoretical) guys out there also vying for her attention.
The end result is a female population that’s endlessly distracted by the Exciting New Thing, and unable to focus long enough to settle down into anything meaningful. Sex has gone consumerist: endless titillation, a new car that you need, popularity through a soda drink, always chasing and never catching.
Keep them running on the treadmill; it’s how the economy stays viable.
Their content is only available to members. Because women are equal. And strong. And independent. And fish-bicycle. And thus need safe spaces.
What we’re about
This group is for women who want to fully and unapologetically reclaim their personal power. It’s time to give yourself permission to be who you were born to be. Learn to come into your own and stop hiding your gifts from the world. Right now the world needs you more than ever to be authentic. It’s time to stop giving your power away and take charge of the life you want and rightfully deserve.
Join us to learn to harness your energy and create the life you’ve been waiting for.
And now for some women who actually do rise.
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Linkage: 23 October, 2018 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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