Linkage: 17 April, 2018 #TheTriggering
White people are niggers.
They need to stop their slave-like wailing, pick up the reins they have inherited, and set this society back on course.
We cannot “help” any other group but we can give them self-respect, which comes through self-rule and an end to cloying white paternalism. We are all familiar with the standard white liberal whose personal life is a mess, whose family is in ruins and whose mind is perpetually confused, but who “finds meaning” by helping the third-worlders. But helping in this case means condescension, and no amount of foreign aid and hand-dug latrines can compensate for the smug superiority implied to these neurotic whites. They are in fact more racist than any racist group has ever managed to be, but they hide it behind a heavy layer of neurosis and posturing.
Humanity has never been able to deal with the fact that people are different and there are going to be some winners and some losers, and it is not “fair” in any sense of the word.
The kid born with a 140 IQ who is six foot four and handsome with no genetic triggers for cancer is going to have a golden life, more so than the rest of us. That is just how nature works.
We can respond to this one of two ways. We can recognize that the people born to golden lives are also probably more competent, so if we put them in charge we all benefit, or we can have a prolonged tantrum and insist that everyone be forced to be “equal” so that the golden ones do not get golden lives. That resentful, revengeful, and negative outlook reveals a fatalism in humanity which is that we are so afraid for ourselves that we cannot believe in anything better.
Across the globe, there are winners and losers, and the losers want to mob and destroy the winners so that losers can carry on being losers without having to look at a reminder of their loserdom. If the entire world lives in mud huts, favelas, trailer parks, and Detroit-style ghettos, no one feels bad for living in one.
In Israel, low-IQ third-world Palestinians want to depose and consume higher-IQ first-world Jews, just as in the United States Asians and Hispanics want to assimilate and digest the white population, or how in Europe the Arab and African Muslims want to displace and replace the Germans, Dutch, French, and English.
Diversity is a giant loser because it is a philosophy of losers. Instead of emulating the winners, you destroy them and take their stuff.
When the FATNAG (Facebook, Apple, Twitter, Netflix, Amazon, Google) companies support something, it is to make their lives easier.
The law has just given them a mandate to remove any content they deem to be “risky,” which is why Reddit just removed alcohol, guns, and tobacco content while keeping dubious, medically unwise, and bizarre sexual content, despite FOSTA being in theory designed to reduce online sexual exploitation.
Across Europe and the United States, social media companies feel government pressure to act on removing dangerous content. This comes in many types, including realistic conservative content about human inequality, but the war on Section 230 starts with an easy target, since no one wants to protect sexual exploitation online.
This will over time be expanded to cover other targets, starting with the least controversial. As we have seen before, crackdowns on “terrorism” are popular with voters and used almost exclusively against Right-wing content. At that point, social media companies will become the censors that their Leftist owners wish them to be.
Ultimately, Leftists are bullies. They have no real belief that their ideology will make the world better. They have no hope for restoring civilization. Instead, they just want to have more power and to destroy those who they see as winners, which implies that they in turn are losers.
Let me tell you something about life. It is useful to lose, screw up, fail, and otherwise be a person of reduced prospects, at least once. You learn a lot about yourself.
You see that you can either accept your situation, change your situation, or do what most people do, which is blame someone else and attack them instead.
Good people, when they are losers, either accept being losers and find something they want to do instead of worrying about that, or find a way to change themselves so that they are not losers. They practice athletics, study in school, work the land, or otherwise improve their situation. This requires working with reality, not against it.
Others choose to work against reality.
They blame the winners because without winners, no one would care that the losers are losers. This makes no sense, because as long as there are necessary tasks, some will do them better than others, even if simple ones like having food, shelter, and family.
The losers who work against reality engage in a process known as scapegoating. This enables them to smash down others and feel better about themselves in the process even though they have not changed themselves; they are still losers. It is like an inept basketball player demanding that the good players go home so we can all watch inept basketball.
• What we’ll do
Andrea has completed an intensive two year training program with extensive hands-on experience to understand how to translate the wisdom of the horse into a language you can understand — and use to change your life. The method she uses is known as the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method and it relies on the understanding that you contain all the answers within you and that a coach assisted by a horse can help you find those answers and bring them to the surface. Once they are out in the open, the co-coaching team of Andrea and her horses will help you experience the process of letting go of old behavior patterns and limiting beliefs while replacing them with new expansive concepts that will serve you as you move forward through your life.
Want to know more about the EGC method go to
• Important to know
Know that this is a very safe place for you to be able to be open, honest and vulnerable with the horses. Pay what you feel the experience was worth! Listen to the whisper….
Yup. Facecock is porn for women, with the same dopamine receptor frying effects on them that hardcore online porn has on men.
And yet men are shamed for their fap habits while women are lauded for theirs. Wassupwitdat? (The Fundamental Premise, that’s what’s up.)
The Fuckerborg hearings are a joke, not only for what it reveals about Suckerdork (a lying psychopath) but what it says about our fully converged media and government (lying psychopaths in bed with a lying psychopath). All the psychos are stroking each other off to a psychotic jizz blast, and Heritage America is taking the diseased load to its bound and gagged face.
ZUCK: “If we have a fault, it’s that Facecock is too idealistic. We were naive, and for that I’m sorry.”
This LIE from the man whose company’s mission has been FROM DAY ONE to snoop on, gather, and sell user data to the highest bidder. WHO THE ZUCK DOES HE THINK HE’S FOOLING (besides NPR libs)?
A truly privacy-protecting Facecock would be a pay service, which means its account base of 2 billion would conceivably be whittled down to twenty million, depriving Zuck of his many billions and thwarting his plan to establish a real world IngSoc. And the poor people who had to sacrifice their privacy to use Facecock wouldn’t be advertiser targets anyway, so Zuck would be taking a huge cost-overhead bath by allowing a no-fee option.
Zuck wept. Or he would if he was a mammal.
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Linkage: 17 April, 2018 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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