Linkage: 2 August, 2016 #TheTriggering
Some more reasons women shouldn’t vote.
Including “Women are not evolved to vote rationally.” Sounds exactly like what I’ve been saying.
Evolutionary psychologists have a slightly different explanation: women are engaged in sexual competition to secure the best possible mates, and they have two main strategies for achieving their goals: self-promotion and competitor derogation. A woman can draw specific attention to her femininity and promote her desirability as a partner, or she can rip apart the women around her. Mathers is clearly a fan of doing both. The best way to attack other women is to focus on their appearance, age and character – competitors are old, ugly and promiscuous. Indeed, if you get a whole lot of people, say on Twitter, insisting you are an ugly old whore, you can be quite certain that other women have marked you as a competitor and are feeling rather threatened.
Mathers may very well get arrested for posting that image on Snapchat. She has lost her radio job and is banned from all locations of her gym. She has deleted both her Instagram and her Twitter accounts, and by all appearances seems to be deeply contrite. Not for being a nasty, vicious pit viper, of course, but for getting caught. She only meant, you see, to send that picture to a friend, so they could snipe over the unsuspecting woman privately. As if that somehow makes it better or more acceptable.
We live in a manipulative, fake, shallow, back-stabbing, pseudo-third-wave-feminism-infested culture that completely robs us of our humanity. We have the passion and joy for life crushed out of us at a young age by our warped school system, and any sort of humanity that we express is quickly capitalized upon by the droves of sociopaths that lurk in the workplace.
I recall seeing two men greet one another on a dirt road. “It’s good to see you, man,” one of them spoke. The other looked deeply into his eyes and replied: “It’s good to see you too, my friend.” They embraced, as if they were two WWII soldiers meeting for the first time in years, and then walked down a dirt path together.
This type of thing would be seen as “gay,” or “weird,” in our repressed society. A beautiful representation of the power of male bonds that can span a lifetime, is belittled and twisted to be something that’s “gay.” This expression, then, was only “normal” outside of the brainwashed culture that we live in.
Our society is incredibly repressed—we cannot express emotions that were normal for 99.9% of history without social repercussions. And not only are we incredibly repressed, but we’re also incredibly oppressed.
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The elders sought their best to preserve the natural, gender-role-based culture that we had by showering good deeds with praise. I recall at one point that a young man, probably around the age of 19 or so, was taken in front of everyone at dinner time. Thousands of hippies sat in the middle of a field as they chowed down on the soup that was served to each of them. The great elders stood up, and raised their hands to quiet us.
They brought this young man up, and congratulated him: “Last night, a man was caught breaking into this woman’s tent. She cried for help, and the man that stands before you single-handedly apprehended this criminal, and saved a woman of our tribe from being raped. Thank you, my friend—you have earned our respect.”
The crowd burst with applause, and the young man seemed to stand five inches taller. He was proud of himself, as he should be. By giving honorable men praise, the elders were able to perpetuate a culture of honor. That young man probably got laid more in the next three days than I’ve ever been laid in my life time, as he should be.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse wants newspapers to stop publishing “extreme” and “phony” op-eds written by climate-change skeptics, blasting such articles as “industry propaganda.”
The Rhode Island Democrat said he was stunned by the “extraordinary barrage of opinion pieces” that followed his May 2015 op-ed recommending that Attorney General Loretta Lynch investigate fossil-fuel companies and their supporters for possible civil violations of federal racketeering laws.
He blamed the flood of what he described as “error-plagued criticism” on “the climate denial apparatus” and urged newspapers to reject such opinion pieces in the future.
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Three years ago, the Los Angeles Times announced that it would no longer run letters to the editor written by “climate-change deniers.”
You’re (probably) not a detective or even a journalist, and thus it’s not your job to gather forensic evidence at a crime scene or interview witnesses of murders or assaults. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still make a reasonable judgment regarding available evidence.
Take, for example, the University of Virginia rape hoax mentioned above. The victim claimed to have been raped for three hours on top of broken glass on a fraternity bedroom floor. But she also claimed she refused to go to the hospital for medical treatment. If you’ve been to any frat house across the country, you’ll know they usually aren’t the cleanest or most sanitary places on the planet (I’ve been to several at UVA, and most were uniformly gross). If the rape victim had declined to seek medical treatment after such an episode, the cuts on her back could easily have become infected and she probably would have fallen gravely ill and required hospitalization. That was just one small example of how her story did not add up.
More recently, gay YouTube personality Calum McSwiggan claimed that three homophobic men assaulted him outside of a gay bar in Los Angeles. By his own admission the men punched him hard enough on his mouth to break three of his teeth. The problem? Police later arrested McSwiggan for vandalizing a car, and his mug shot shows absolutely no visible damage to his mouth. Punching someone in the mouth hard enough to snap three teeth in half would leave a lot of bruising and swelling, if not graphically split lips.
An exclusive Heat Street review of email correspondence at a Colorado university has revealed that a student-selected nickname for an athletic facility, “the Mine Shaft,” was nixed by administrators after a student complained that “the name supports rape culture.”
Students at the Colorado School of Mines — a public university in Golden, Colorado, focused to engineering and applied science — voted overwhelmingly last year to nickname their athletic arena “the Mine Shaft.”
But in an email sent last August, a student (whose name was redacted) describes being “shocked and disgusted” at the nickname choice for the university’s Lockridge Arena.
“The idea behind the name, at least from the students perspective, was that the students could tell the opposing team they had been ‘shafted,’” the student wrote. In making her complaint, the student used another racially loaded term (and some misspellings) in an email to administrators: “The most common definition of the word means to get jipped out of a deal, which doesn’t make since [sic] for us to be telling another team. But the other and most disturbing definition is to be raped. Bottom line, I think the name supports rape culture. If Mines is truly trying to diversify the campus maybe they should not have the student section have such a phalic [sic] name.”
Administrators sprung into action after receiving the student’s complaint.
Katie Schmalzel, assistant director of housing operations, took the complaint so seriously that she forwarded it to the university’s Title IX coordinator. “I agree with [pronoun redacted] about the name being inappropriate, and goes against everything our work stands for,” she wrote.
A US air strike killed nearly 60 civilians, including children, in Syria on Tuesday after the coalition mistook them for Islamic State (Isil) fighters.
Some eight families were hit as they tried to flee fighting in their area, in one of the single deadliest strikes on civilians by the alliance since the start of its operations in the war-torn country.
Pictures of the aftermath of the dawn strikes on the Isil-controlled village of Tokhar near Manbij in northern Syria showed the bodies of children as young as three under piles of rubble.
The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the strikes appeared to have been carried out in error, with the civilians mistaken for Islamist militants.
Ever since the Target “bathroom” announcement came out after the North Carolina legislation I have repeatedly said that the bathroom is not the target. The goal here is acceptance of gender dysphoria as normal. Once you accept transgender as “normal” then all the other dominoes fall because you don’t deny access to “normal” people. How is it that this is coming about? You target the most impressionable populations: Children and young people.
Children are impressionable and simply don’t know enough to object to what they are being taught. Nor are they allowed the agency to remove themselves from places and teachers who teach them. They are captive audiences. The state having encouraged women out of the home, and therefore being highly involved in the socialization of their children, is the perfect mechanism to encode the new social order into a population. The earlier you get them out from under their parents (FREE PRE-K!) the better you control the mind.Young people, as in those in college, are the next group. They’ve been softened up by their earlier years. Now they are feeling themselves and are given wide berth to act out on their “radical” impulses because they are not, generally speaking, footing the bill. They have no real responsibilities and therefore do not have to actually live with the consequences of their ideologies.
First and foremost as you can see in the image this guy is posing no threat at all. That, in combination with his declaration makes for a no reason to shoot. That officer should be seeing felony assault charges. Why not attempted murder? because he shot Kinsey in the leg.
Now my second point is, this is yet another example of “random” people calling police about a [black] man with a gun. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, in a country with a right to carry, calling the police about a man walking with a gun should get a “and?” response. Also I strongly believe that some of these calls are actually citizens trying to get someone killed. It’s like swatting without the video games.
Firstly. Sue Fish should be removed from office and barred from any government policy making body. Secondly, since when are men second class citizens in the UK? Since she has declared this to be a about the “safer space” for women, it is clear that the “law” is not about equal protection and equal applicability but about conferring special and preferred status to women simply because they are women. This action by the police shows feminism as the farce that it is. Those that approve of this do not think women and men are equal, they think women are weak and in need of special protections from society. This attitude was the exact same reasoning given for denying credit cards and property ownership. Women were too mentally weak to control themselves and property and therefore had to be under the guidance and control of men.
But back to the main point. As a civilian you have to understand that a police officer is generally not going to be passive when it comes to certain crimes. Since you don’t know why an officer is approaching you it would be in everyone’s best interest to put the officer at ease by making it clear you are not a threat. After that is established you can argue about why you have been detained. Before I close let me address the point made by the black woman in the second video. She made the claim that because Alton was “subdued” that the officer did not have grounds to pull his gun or shoot. This is what happens when you get people who don’t know what they are talking about, but have the “right” politics to speak on your program. If this chick had a clue she would recall that Trayvon Martin had one George Zimmerman similarly situated. Martin was allegedly hitting Zimmerman’s head against the ground and yet Zimmerman was able to get his gun and shoot Martin point dead. Therefore any claim that just because Alton was down that we was subdued is false. As Trayvon Martin found out, until or unless you have total control of your opponents hands, you are still in danger.
So there we have it. Black Lives Matter only cares if the black life in question is assaulted by some white person (preferably police), but doesn’t matter in the least bit if its a part of the day in and day out killings in our communities by our own community members. Black Lives Matters exists to get it’s leaders paid ($165k for one of them) and to ease the guilt-suicide complex of white liberals who enable BLM members by giving them access to media outlets. BLM doesn’t care about you or your dead in Any-hood USA. If this doesn’t prove it to you then you are probably beyond help.
Sadiq Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, announced Monday that “body shaming” advertisements will no longer be allowed in London’s public transport.
“As the father of two teenage girls, I am extremely concerned about this kind of advertising which can demean people, particularly women, and make them ashamed of their bodies. It is high time it came to an end,” Khan said.
The mayor added, “Nobody should feel pressurised, while they travel on the Tube or bus, into unrealistic expectations surrounding their bodies and I want to send a clear message to the advertising industry about this.”
Khan was not clear in what would determine which ads would be banned, as it doesn’t include all images of people in underwear or swimming clothes. Most underwear and bikini models though can be assumed to have non-average bodies.
That sounds nice, but I’m not sold. I know more than a few Muslims and they may be crazy, but it’s a crazy I can deal with as a white guy. We white guys are not going to have to worry about the kids seeing guys in assless chaps down at the Ramadan parade. Not having screeching harpies call us sexist because we refuse to pretend biology is a social construct sounds pretty attractive. To be honest, the thought of Muslims pitching the faculty of the Womyn’s Studies department off the roof is not so bad. Yeah, that makes me a bad guy, but I’m used to it. It’s been a long war.
That’s not to say I’m not amenable to welcoming the gays into the revolution. It’s just you guys have to bring more to the party than a fashion sense. The Christian bakers would like a little breathing room. The Boy Scouts would like to be left alone. The guys at the office would like to tell a salty joke without fear of being fired, or worse, being sent off to a reeducation camp. In other words, if you want help with Mohamed, you’re going to have to give some stuff back to us. Otherwise, I think I speak for most straight white guys in saying we’ll roll the dice with Mohamed.
Don’t get me wrong. I’d really rather not have to convert to Islam. I look like shit with a neck beard and I can’t ululate worth a damn. Giving up bacon and beer would really suck, but the Muslims are not wrong about everything. I’m not saying you have to go back in the closet or put up with cops busting up your clubs. Just meet us half way. Show some respect for the majority, leave the Christian bakers in peace and respect the fact that not everyone enjoys seeing a man walking down the street in a gold lamé thong. Maybe stop making us pretend you’re married.
Me: Look I want you to look up the following phrase when you get a chance. It’s in the New Testament if that helps you: “Thus saith The Amen.” Look that phrase up. When you do I want you to ask yourself why someone in the Bible is referring to “The Amen”
P: Well you see the Bible has been translated into many languages. First it was in Hebrew, then Greek and so on. So the writers were using phrases and they may not have meant to use certain words.
Stop right here: You can’t be trying to convert someone and then say that the words in your book, which you claim to be written by God has words that the writers didn’t quite know how to use.
Me: Well they knew enough to put a definite article, The, in front of Amen. Amen is an Egyptian God. In fact Amen is a reference to The God of Egypt. You should look that up and ask yourself why a reference to an Egyptian God is floating around in the Bible. Now I see my clothes have finished drying, you have a great day.
P: *dumbfounded look*
52 of 64 people (that’s 81%) of the shooting victims were black. One (1) white person was shot (1.5%). This confirms the known statistical fact that blacks commit murders at 7-8 times that of the white population. Also according to liberals all groups of people should be equally represented (or at least in proportion to their population in a given geographic area) in all things. Yet it is clear that even though blacks and whites represent a roughly equal proportion of Chicago’s population, they simply do not volunteer to do the same things when it comes to criminal activity.
Then once the Obama admin got rolling I watched as feminists took off and went out in left field announcing that not only are all men rapists unless taught otherwise but that if a woman so much as makes a claim, she should be believed. I could NOT believe that black women were cosigning this bullshit as if Emmitt Till simply did not exist. As if thousands of black men had not been murdered on the say so of some woman. Speaking of lynching, during the Ferguson foolishness we actually had people calling for lynchings of white people. I mean shit. How do black folks in America get to that point?
So yes, the election of Barack Obama showed the real face of far too many black folks. Now we have Donald Trump. Whether you like him or not his candidacy has exposed the left and much of the right for the treasonous organizations that they are.
We have candidates and administration officials making the claim that anyone who enters to country. Legally or otherwise is the same as a born citizen. We have sanctuary cities who are willing to have citizens killed so that non-citizens who are trespassing can live free. Never mind that all of this is contrary to long established law that these persons are sworn to uphold.
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Linkage: 2 August, 2016 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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