Linkage: 17 May, 2016 #TheTriggering
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Notice: YouTube is blocking my videos again. This is why I don’t invest more time in YouTube.
Don’t worry about how the government is going to pay for those retirement benefits when you get old. Keep spending money today.
6. Stop worrying about the future – focus on the present.
And here we are. This is the worst one of the lot. This is the monster in the room and it will lead you to a life of financial misery. I lived it, and I saw it all the time. If you couple this with your personal finances it will mean that you will spend everything that you have. Because you’ll be living in the now! Spend, spend, spend! In reality you need to live for the future. It’s called planning. It’s about exercising thrift. It’s about saving for a rainy day. A rainy day in the future. Not today. Even if it’s fucking raining.
If you ignore the future you won’t have the ability to save.
The convenient excuse of ‘living in the now’ is manna from heaven for those who want to fritter away their money. It gives them a way of feeling good about doing something that at a subconscious level they know is bad. But ignoring the past is also a terrible idea.
If you ignore the past them you won’t learn from your mistakes.
I have paying clients with the patience of a saint. Right this moment I have a person who has paid me nothing pestering me with questions via email. This is why statists feel so entitled – they pay nothing – and why anarchist feel responsible – they are the source of almost everything.
When I worked as a rafting guide, the most difficult customers by far were those who had received a free trip. They were often demanding, rude, and seemingly determined not to have a good time. And it was primarily due to the fact that they hadn’t had to make any form of personal investment in the activity. People who paid the full price were much more inclined to get as much enjoyment as possible out of their day. Having parted with their money they had a personal investment in the outcome.
Welfare works in a similar fashion. If you don’t have to work for your money, if it comes into your bank account every fortnight without any effort on your part, then you will soon begin to believe that you have the right to that money. But more importantly, because you have not earned that money you will have no respect for it. If you have no respect for it then you will squander it. This is the reason why Mr Storrar cannot take his children to the movies.
I have a better idea. Don’t wait for Trump to be elected President. Leave now. That would make America great again.
Make dating great again.
Maple Match makes it easy for Americans to find the ideal Canadian partner to save them from the unfathomable horror of a Trump presidency.
As I’ve pointed out many times in the past most of my friends are women. The man-o-spherians will give me shit for that. And it’s shit I may deserve. I can tell you from experience that female friends flake. Female friends are unreliable. Female friends lie and backstab and manipulate. Female friends will never take any initiative when it comes to being your friend. They will expect you as a man to do everything for them and all the work just as if you were dating. But they aren’t going to fuck you. I think it’s “safe” to be friends with women so long as you understand all of this and don’t let them take advantage of you. Along with being willing to walk away from the friendship at the drop of hat. And by actually walking away. I’ve dumped female friends and you should too.
Women have never failed to disappoint me with their unreliability. If you think lying, flaking, and broken promises are limited to dating, you are horribly mistaken. You have to understand that honor is a foreign concept to women (I’ve actually had two women on two different occasions express disgust when I used that word).
I can’t count how many times I’ve been lied to and stabbed in the back for placing my trust on a female who twisted her words and smiled at me to manipulate me. And like a sucker, I kept believing that not all women were like that and went on to trust the next one who would dupe me the same way. Rinse and repeat.
Simply put, women are worse than worthless as friends; they will actually harm you through their lies and betrayal.
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Linkage: 17 May, 2016 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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