Cult Of Personality #008
Killing People in Foreign Countries with Flying Robots – part 3 of 4
King Hussein Obama, His Lord and Saviour, murders people. In foreign countries. With flying robots. For He is so wonderful and that is why our children sing songs to him.
“You got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
– Sen. Joe Biden, Vice-King of the U.S.
What is the one thing The Messiah King Hussein Obama has been good at? Killing people. Being the Commander In Chief of the military. That’s the only thing he has done with a shit. The United States, under this president who ran on a platform of peace, is killing more foreigners with flying robots than ever before.
The Messiah is a failure but people don’t care because they “like” him. That is the essence of the Cult Of Personality.
The Messiah and his Bitch Ass Wife – they care about the poor people right? Let’s look at how much Messiah and Bitch spend on clothing courtesy of W magazine. The Messiah has a wool and silk jacket that cost $1750.00. But hey, he passed health care reform right? So fuck it. He has a watch that cost almost what a normal person make in one year – but you hate rich people so much don’t you? You can’t fucking think straight because you hate rich people so much but when The Messiah spends $17,000 on a watch you just suck his balls.
I know that a pump is a woman’s shoe because unlike most libertarian/anarchist types I actually know some girls.
I have yet to find one liberal who will say that murdering people with flying robots is wrong. Not one cock-sucking fuckwade liberal yet will say that it’s wrong to murder people with flying robots. Why? Because Obama’s balls are in their mouths.
What happens when Russian or Chinese drones are flying over the United States? Who’s balls are you going to suck then?
Peter Singer is speaking out against drone warfare. Peter Singer is one of the most liberal Democrat fucked up ball sucking no-moral-having fuckers on the planet and even he can figure out there is something wrong with this shit.
The most ethical administration is history is issuing secret memos which allow the government to kill people with flying robots in foreign countries.
Other web links related to this podcast:
No, the U.S. is not leaving Iraq –
Attack of The Drones –
Drone attacks in Pakistan –
The Peace Prize War President –
Drone Wars UK –
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