Do liberals think Hussein Obama is a god? Yes they do.
The Democrat Party of the United States and the Nazi party of Germany are alike in a number of ways. One of the ways in which they mirror each other is that both of them understand the concept of getting to people when they’re young and indoctrinating them with your views. Christians do the same thing in fact. All cults understand that they must prey on the weak and defenceless not the strong. This way when children grow up the indoctrination you’ve given them, in the place of education, will be very hard for them to overcome. Adolf Hitler created the Hitler Youth for this purpose. Liberal Democrats have created the public education system for this purpose. Christians created Bible Camp. We saw the fruits of this indoctrination fall from the branch in the last election when the Medicated Generation helped to elect Hussein Obama the First and the Second to the office of President of the United States.
I was recently on a college campus where I spent some time listening to an idiot standing in the Plaza exercising his freedom of speech. He was speaking loudly in defence of Hussein Obama (after all, Hussein can’t defend himself) and was attempting to attack the people who would attack Hussein Obama’s followers for believing Hussein is God, or at very least the Messiah. This young idiot loudly bellowed out that he didn’t know anyone who believed Hussein Obama was the Messiah. He and his fellow Democrats do not believe Hussein Obama is the Messiah. The people who said he and his fellow Democrats believed Hussein Obama is the Messiah are lying or are mentally disturbed or Republicans or some other insult.
This is absolute horse shit of course. Liberal Democrats and the media very clearly believed that Hussein Obama is a God, or the Messiah, or the Trinity. Father, Son and Community Organizer. Additionally they are indoctrinating their children to believe that Hussein Obama is a God. They are indoctrinating their children to believe that Hussein Obama is an all-powerful leader, our (their) Dear Leader.
Most human beings (and by most I mean 99%) are sheep. You people wake up in the morning and you get out of bed and you wait for someone to tell you what to do. Most people need an external source to tell them what is right and what is wrong. What they should do and what they should not do. What’s good and what’s bad. This is why we have fashion. So that people know what to wear because they see other people wearing it. This is why election voter guides are distributed. So people will know how to vote because that’s how other people are voting and that’s how they’re being told to vote.
This is how the Jews in Germany and the Japanese in America got put into concentration camps. The government told people to do it and the people did it because it’s easier to obey than it is to think.
This is why people need laws. Because a great number of people are not capable of determining right from wrong on their own. They need laws to tell them how to conduct themselves and behave. They need laws to tell them right from wrong. This of course does not manifest only among the liberal left. As I’ve pointed out many times in the past Christians are people who are so stupid that they needed God to write, on on a rock, that killing other people and stealing are bad. People who are religious are another example of people who cannot tell right from wrong on their own. This is why they need religion. They need God to tell them what is right and what is wrong just as liberals need government to tell them right from wrong.
When you are liberal Democrat you either don’t believe in God or you run around telling everybody that you are “spiritual” but not “religious”. Though what the difference between those two things is nobody’s been able to explain to me yet. Even among the religious left who fall over themselves praising Hussein Obama for his spirituality there is a reluctance to rely on God or the Bible for guidance. Naturally the atheist left certainly isn’t going to rely on God or the Bible for guidance. These people are incapable of determining right from wrong on their own so they need a source of wisdom. That source of wisdom is the political party and the political party is represented in the flesh by whichever Democrat politician happens to be highest on the totem pole at any given moment. At this time that happens to be Hussein Obama the First and Second.
Thus do we see the parents who are sheep without direction (unless direction is given to them by their anointed leaders) indoctrinate their children to also be sheep. After all all parents believe their children should share their views. Also, just as no one hires an employee smarter than he is, no parent really wants a child who thinks independently. Thus we get the Obama Youth. Sing praise to His name.
“Obama’s gonna change it. Obama is gonna lead them.” Obama’s gonna change what? He’s been in office for over a year. Total number of troops withdrawn from Iraq equals zero. Additional troops sent to Afghanistan. He’s readying for an invasion of Pakistan. Bailouts of multibillion-dollar international automobile and banking corporations. The White House visitor records continue to be secret, a tradition started by Monkey Boy Bush. Large transfers of money to unions. Economic situation worse than it’s been in 20 years if not more. What exactly is changing? And who is this piece of shit leading? Where is He leading His followers to?
“We are going to change it and rearrange it.” We, and I don’t know who we is unless this girl has a mouse in her pocket, are not only going to change it but we are going to rearrange it. What is being rearranged? Actually we know what’s going to be rearranged. Wealth is going to be rearranged. Specifically the distribution of wealth. As much wealth as possible is going to be transferred from people who work for a living and are healthy to people who do not work for a living and are not healthy.
An even more important question to ask is where exactly does this little girl think she’s getting the authorization to rearrange it? What makes this little bitch think that she is entitled via Hussein Obama to rearrange things?
Then the video cuts to the group of children singing. Oh look, they’re all wearing their little hope T-shirts. They have a hippie-wanna-be flute player in the background playing some terrible music. The Obama symbol hangs in the background. Hussein Obama is, the extent of my knowledge anyhow, the first politician to have his own corporate logo. Well unless of course you count Adolf Hitler who also had a corporate logo. An Asian-ish multicultural female leads the sing spawn as the children spastically wave and flap their arms about. I don’t know if the spastic arm waving is a symptom of their ADD or if this is supposed to be some sort of meaningful and choreographed hand gesturing. Regardless of what it’s supposed to be they look like a bunch of fucking retards.
Allow me also point out that the people in this video are clearly not suffering working class people. None of these people need unemployment or welfare. As Democrat votes they may (probably are) getting welfare, but none of them need it. They could either afford to pay somebody to shoot and edit this video or they could afford to buy the equipment and the computers and software to shoot and edit this video themselves. Nice house too. Nice clothing. All those Hope, Change and Obama T-shirts cost money. That Obama banner on the wall wasn’t cheap. Nobody in this film needs to be on food stamps. Though some of them probably are.
These are also some of the ugliest children I have ever seen. Just saying.
They have a piano. A real piano. Most poor people don’t have pianos. These are all rich liberal Democrats who hate the fact that they are rich and feel incredible amounts of guilt because they are rich. The result is they want the Messiah to take money away from rich people so that they can feel better about themselves. This is the ultimate form of selfishness. “Please punish other people so I can alleviate my guilt for having money.”
“Yes we can can can yes we can can can.” Are you fucking kidding me? No you’re not kidding me. This is serious. This is what scares me so bad is that these people (and I’m using the word people very loosely) are in fact serious.
Here’s another question you need ask yourself. What kind of parents . . . okay we already know the answer to this question. I’m asking it anyway. The answer is: the kind of parents who believed that Hussein Obama is in fact a God. The question is: what kind of parents subject of their small children to political indoctrination of this sort? I’m pissed that so-called adults have willingly brought their children to this gathering to have them singing in praise of any politician.
How can I make this any more clear? These parents are allowing their children to sing songs in praise of a politician. And these are the very same people who make fun of Christians for singing songs about an invisible man who lives in the sky. These people should have their homes surrounded by the ATF. Then the ATF should shoot at them, drive tanks through their walls and set their homes on fire. This is child abuse, and that’s how the Klinton administration dealt with child abuse. Yes you read that correctly. These children are being psychologically abused. These children are being taught that it is okay to worship another person. Not just to vote for and support another person but to actually worship a politician.
Oh amongst all the children I just saw a black person. Notice how white all of these children are. Where’s the diversity? Where is the multiculturalism? This is just guilty white people on parade.
These parents look so proud as they’re watching their children get indoctrinated. If I ever find a video of me singing songs to a politician when I was a small child I will kill my mother. Think I’m joking? Try me.
Also look at the expressions of these children after they finished their song and the parents are all applauding wildly. Most of those children looked baffled. They have no clue what’s going on. Exposing young children to politics is just like exposing young children to religion. There’s no way young children can possibly grasp and understand all the implications of things like political or religious beliefs. When parents expose their children, children who are that young specifically, to either political or religious believes they are doing it as a form of indoctrination. They are doing it because their children are not smart enough to critically examine the information they’re being presented with.
I wonder if the parents in Germany were this proud of their youngsters in the Hitler Youth. I bet they were.
Oh, there’s the “change” again. I want one of you cock sucking mother fuckers out there to send me an e-mail and I want you to tell me one thing that Hussein Obama the First and the Second has changed.
On to the next segment. We see small children too young to know what the hell they’re doing being led in song, singing the praises of your hero, Adolf Hitler. On the walls we see Adolf Hitler’s corporate logo. The Hitler Youth children have hand gestures too and notice the Hitler Youth children are all mostly white. Not a lot of diversity and multiculturalism there either.
Maybe I’m just not open-minded enough here. Maybe I just don’t understand. After all who am I to compare the Obama Youth to the Hitler Youth? There are lots of countries around the world where small children sing songs in praise of political leaders. This is a perfectly normal natural acceptable activity for installing obedience in the population. It happens all over the planet. In civilized, intelligent countries where they have national healthcare. For example it happens in North Korea.
Adolf Hitler loved children. Adolf Hitler also loved movies. Hitler used the power of the cinema to recruit people to his cause. (The American liberal left also adores the cinema and uses that medium to spread propaganda. Just saying.) Tho we can’t really compare this video of innocent children singing praises to their Dear Leader Hussein Obama the First and Second to the attempts of Adolf Hitler to utilize the media in an effort to manipulate people into supporting his cause and buying in to his beliefs. Or should I just call it joining his cult? This homemade video of a bunch of ugly little white children singing praises to Hussein Obama is not going to have a national impact like Triumph Of The Will did.
This next video is a professionally produced commercial which is clearly targeted at the short attention spans of generation Y. This sort of thing might have a national impact.
Allow me to point out a few of the many attempts at subliminal messaging in this assault on reason and senses. Hussein Obama subtly associates himself with John F. Kennedy, a warmongering Democrat who: Almost started a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Trained a bunch of Cuban refugees to invade their country & overthrow their leader while promising them military support. Denied that military support to the Cuban refugees which resulted in their massacre. Nelson Mandela – a man who is in prison for being a terrorist. Didn’t Hussein Obama give a speech about sending more troops to Afghanistan because the terrorist are out to get us? Isn’t terrorism bad? Don’t we have a War on TerrorismTM? Mother Teresa. Because Hussein Obama and Mother Teresa have a lot in common.
Note the obligatory clip of Martin Luther King Jr. Because Martin Luther King Jr. was in favour of racial quotas and redistribution of wealth. The only thing that Hussein Obama and Martin Luther King Jr. have in common is that they’re both black. I’m not even going to go so far as to say they’re both men because Martin Luther King Jr. was a real man. Hussein Obama couldn’t be a pimple on Martin Luther King Jr.’s ass. The fact that Hussein Obama keeps trying to associate himself with Martin Luther King Jr. is absolutely fucking disgusting and a good indication of how insecure Hussein is regarding his ability and accomplishments. As if he had any.
The is also a clip of the Berlin wall. The Democrats and Hussein Obama had nothing to do with the Berlin wall coming down. The Berlin wall came down because the Soviet Union collapsed. The Soviet Union collapsed because their economy was not capable of sustaining an arms buildup and providing for their citizens at the same time. The reason the Soviet Union was trying to run their own economy and subsidizing arms buildup at the same time was because evil Republicans like Ronald Reagan were building up our weapon stockpile and systems. And who was opposed to Ronald Reagan’s efforts to bring down the Soviet Union at every step and every turn? It was the Democrats. For a piece of shit like Hussein Obama to even remotely imply, and that’s what this commercial is doing by showing this clip, that he had anything to do with the Berlin wall coming down or even that the Democrat Party of United States had anything to do with the Berlin wall coming down is absolutely fucking offensive to me.
Oh but then I’m a white man who works for a living so it doesn’t matter what I get offended by does it?
Oh yes, the man standing in front of the tank in Tienanmen Square. As if any filthy dope smoking hippie Democrat protester would ever have the spine to stand in front of a tank.
And the Dalai Lama. Hussein Obama is just like the Dalai Lama. Yea. I see the resemblance.
“I am change. And this is what I wear.” They’re all standing in formation. They’re standing at parade rest. Then they are standing at attention. They’re all wearing uniforms with logos on them. Nothing like the Hitler Youth at all.
This next video is perhaps the sickest one out of them all. Be ready with your barf bag.
The children, and yes these are children, come marching into the room. Yes it’s a strange sort of marching but it is marching nonetheless. They are wearing camouflage military pants, boots, and identical shirts with a logos on them. That is a military uniform. Just like the Hitler Youth. Just like the evil right wing militias. One of them is wearing a white belt. He is clearly out of uniform and should be docked for that. As they enter the room they are chanting “Alpha. Omega.” I’m not sure who is the beginning and end. Are they attributing this to themselves or to Hussein?
Then the children began reciting their litany. “Because of Barack Obama I am inspired to be…” This is my point when I say you people are sheep. Because of a politician these children are inspired to “be” something. Before this politician came along these children were aimless worthless pieces of shit. They were content to be on welfare for the rest of their lives. But now that Hussein Obama the First and the Second, the Messiah Himself, has been elected President; now these children are inspired to be productive people. One of them is inspired to be a lawyer. Perhaps he’s going to be unemployed lawyer like Hussein Obama and springboard himself to the presidency. One of them is inspired to be an architect. Perhaps he’s going to build the buildings which are being constructed with federal bailout funds.
Then they initiate cheerleader mode and start chanting “yes we can” to various assertions. One of those assertions is that they can take more responsibility for their lives. No. They can’t. That’s the whole fucking point. If you people were capable of taking responsibility for your own lives you would not need Hussein Obama the First and the Second, the Messiah, or the government, or God, to bring you change and give you purpose. If any of you were capable of being responsible for your own life you would not need to draw your “hope” from a man whose only life experience has been being an unemployed lawyer. Each of these children in this video is going to be a failure in life. Every one of these children are going to be sitting around waiting for the Messiah to give them what they think they deserve.
I would make fun of more of the things they’re saying only I can’t understand the things they’re saying. The sound quality on this video is terrible.
Next they begin chanting about the wonderful things that Hussein Obama’s health care plan is going to do. At the time this video was recorded Hussein Obama’s health care plan had not even been written. In fact the health care plans which exist right now as I am writing this are not Hussein Obama’s health care plans. There’s one for the House and there’s another for the Senate. Those two plans are different from each other and Hussein Obama did not write either one of them. Yet these children are chanting that Hussein Obama’s health care plan is going to provide health care for people and lower cost and redistribute wealth and all these other wonderful things. They can have no knowledge whatsoever of the things that are going to happen because of Hussein Obama’s health care plan. Nobody dies. Hussein Obama’s health care plan does not exist even now, a year after his election. The notion that somebody can know the ramifications of a 1000+ page document of laws which does not even exist yet is absolutely absurd.
Obama’s health care plan is going to increase competition? The dumbest generation wonders why people look down on them. The frightening thing is I don’t think these children are unique. I think this is the average and typical intelligence level of people under 30.
Let’s go back to watching small children be indoctrinated. Watch this one.
According to this young child Barack Hussein Obama is going to make America great again and he’s going to make sure everybody gets equal pay for equal work. The realization and understanding that no two people are capable of doing exactly equal work obviously escapes this future liberal Democrat voter but then again since this small child has never done work and has no concept of what work is and furthermore does not understand that when he gets older he will be discriminated against because he has a penis and white skin and blond hair he can say things like this now. One day he will be sorry.
Hussein Obama is going to make sure everyone gets a chance. Really? And how exactly is he going to do that? Everyone? A chance at what exactly?
“All are equal in his sight.” The school children are singing of Hussein Obama and how “all are equal in his sight.” And you people (by “people” I mean “fucking idiots”) expect me to believe that you do not think Hussein Obama is a God? Bullshit. You very clearly believe he is a God.
Also noticed over on the right-hand side of your screen the one small child who is very obviously trying to distance himself from this entire thing. This young kid, in spite of being young, recognizes that this is a bunch of bullshit and he’s doing his best to stay as far way from it as he can. He is probably the only one in this group will grow up to have a job and not be on welfare.
But of course these are only children. Granted there are adults writing the songs. Choreographing the songs. Leading the children in the songs. Encouraging and in some cases forcing their children to participate in the songs. Filming the songs. Editing the films of the songs. And posting the videos on YouTube. But it’s children singing the songs. And even if these children do believe that Hussein Obama is a God everyone knows that adults don’t believe Hussein Obama is a God.
Especially intelligent adults.
Especially intelligent adults who attended college. Especially intelligent adults who have been to college and are members of the unbiased news media.
Especially adults like Evan Thomas of Newsweek.
Obama is standing up over the country, up over the world. “A sort of God. He’s going to bring all different sides together.”
Liberal Democrats. All those of you with Hussein Obama’s dick in your mouth. Please stop trying to pretend that you do not think he is a God.
You believe that He is going to end the war. He hasn’t. That He is going to give you free health care. He hasn’t. That he is going to make the world “fair”. He hasn’t. That you are all “equal in His eyes.” You aren’t. Hussein Obama has not come through on a one “promise” He made to you in return for you vote. He has been in office for over a year and has done nothing. If I hired an employee and after a year that person has accomplished nothing I would fire his ass. You people hired The Messiah, after a year he has done nothing, and so you kiss his ass.
A final thought just to make absolutely sure that I am absolutely clear. Hussein Obama does not think he is God. Some people have made that assertion about him and I believe that is completely wrong. Hussein Obama does not believe he is God. You stupid people believe he is God. He does not. Hussein Obama is not stupid. He is a lawyer. He is a politician. He is a liar. He is a scumbag. He is a piece of shit. But he is not stupid. Right now wherever Hussein Obama is, whatever he’s doing, in the back of his mind he is thinking “I can’t believe those dumb mother fuckers fell for the hope and change thing.” Hussein Obama said what he needed to say in order to get elected. You dumb fucks believed him. Get this straight. Hussein Obama does not think he is God. You think he is God.
Now let’s go out with one more touching video as the children of the Medicated Generation sing the praises of their Dear Leader.
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Do liberals think Hussein Obama is a god? Yes they do. — No Comments
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