Dog owners are messed up. Really?
Yet again science provides evidence of what normal people have always known. People with behavioral problems own dogs with behavioral problems. Living in Colorado where many people have dogs I’ve seen this first hand multiple times.
Results: Owners of dogs with a behavior problem scored less favorably on 20 of the 23 personality scales measured. Additionally, owners of dogs with behavior problems scored significantly lower than owners of dogs in the control group on some of the personality scales that comprise the CPI. Two of 23 scales, namely “dominance” and “capacity for status” showed significant differences at the P = < 0.01 alpha level.
Conclusions: This study confirms and extends the observations of the authors and other researchers that owner personality and the expression of canine behavior problems may be associated. In particular, the findings indicate that more confident, independent-minded persons are less likely to be confronted with a canine behavior problem, such as dominance-related aggression, fear aggression, or separation anxiety.
You can read the whole thing at: Comparison of Personality Inventories of Owners of Dogs With and Without Behavior Problems
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