Stating The Obvious 0796 – The New Standard For Rating Women Episode XI: There Is Only One Sex. Men. Women Are Property.
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It’s already old news.
I want to share with you some pretty big news. Premier @JacintaAllanMP has asked me to serve as the Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change, a national first.
Shall we tangent for a moment?
Yes, we shall.
At least 147 women were killed by 144 men in 2021
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78 (53%) women killed by men in 2021 were killed by a current or former intimate partner. The average between 2009 and the end of 2021 is 60%.
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Since the Conservatives became the government on 11 May 2010, at least 1,920 women have been killed by men in the UK
Women like to be fucked by men who are psycho killers. And it’s the fault of conservatives.
How many men have died at work?
135 workers killed in work-related accidents in 2022/23 (RIDDOR)
Injuries by gender and age
Fatal injuries to workers are predominately to male workers. In 2022/23, 129 (96%) of all worker fatalities were to male workers, a similar proportion to earlier years.
And then there is this.
His parents – who spotted their son on the news and alerted police – have said he was a diagnosed schizophrenic who had gone off his medication, suggesting he may have been obsessed with knives.
However his distressed father also said the 40-year-old wanted a girlfriend, but lacked social skills and was “frustrated out of his brain”.
Mentally ill. On medication. His “father” didn’t teach him any social skills.
The killer’s father blamed his son’s frustration at not having a girlfriend.
Police shot and killed the homeless assailant, Joel Cauchi, during his knife attack in the Westfield Bondi Junction mall on Saturday near world-famous Bondi Beach.
Police have ruled out terrorism and said the 40-year-old had a history of mental illness.
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The attacker’s father, Andrew Cauchi, said he knew why his son, who suffered from schizophrenia, had targeted women.
“Because he wanted a girlfriend and he’s got no social skills and he was frustrated out of his brain,” the visibly distraught 76-year-old told reporters outside his home in Toowoomba in Queensland state, an 870-kilometer (540-mile) drive across the New South Wales border from Sydney.
“He’s my son, and I’m loving a monster. To you, he’s a monster. To me, he was a very sick boy. Believe me, he was a very sick boy,” the father added.
Them is some mad parenting skills.
Faraz Tahir, 30, was also identified as among those killed. He was described in a statement from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Australia as an “integral member of our community, known for his unwavering dedication and kindness.”
Tahir was on duty as a security guard at the mall at the time of the attack, the statement said, and is the only male victim.
It was his first day on the job in that location, his friend Adnan Qadir told CNN affiliate 7 News.
“He was really excited. He had a lot of ambition for his future, just settling into his new country… He was looking forward to a stable career to make a family up here. And it’s just sad how it all ended up.”
Ha. Ha. Ha. Should have stayed in Pakistan where he was safe.
Enough tangets. Let’s get back to changing men’s behaviour.
Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan announced Wednesday that state MP Tim Richardson would serve as the inaugural Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behavior Change – the first position of its kind in the country.
Richardson said he would focus on the influence the internet and social media have on male attitudes towards women, and on building respectful relationships. It would not be “easy work, but it is important,” he added.
“We must make Victoria a safer place for women and children and work to end the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men,” Richardson wrote on X.
Gender-based violence is plaguing Australia – 31 women have been killed across the country so far this year, according to the Counting Dead Women project. Last year, 64 women were murdered, the group said.
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“We recognize that governments need to act, but we also recognize that this is an issue for the whole of society. Women should not be responsible for ending violence against women,” he said at the time.
Women are never responsible for anything. That’s why they are objects not agents.
That’s why they are property.
What do you call 64 dead women?
Not enough.
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No Ayn Rand for TGO? Thanks a pantload for the mental image of Athem, Cappy and my accountant’s dicks being stapled together. I guess it’s true, you don’t want to know the sausage is made. Bastards.