Linkage: 23 April, 2019 – Intelligence Matters #TheTriggering
Yesterday I wrote about culture. You might think I couldn’t get more offensive than that. I dared to shit on a foundation of libtardary and cuckary. The meme (it’s not a notion, and idea, even a theory – it’s a meme) that all cultures are equally valuable and good. Except of course for the culture of white people of European descent. That culture doesn’t actually exist according to such scholars as in-demand author and consultant Alison Lea Sher (aka 91 in a 55).
Here is something even more offensive than some cultures are inferior and some cultures are superior.
Got your big girl panties on?
Different races have differing IQs.
Guess what. A higher IQ is objectively better than a lower IQ.
David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich Mean Intelligence benchmark of IQ 100. As school teachers used to say in end of year reports: “Could do better”.
What does IQ 82 mean in practical terms? The account below gives the achievements as shown in Western economies, with free education and usually free healthcare, and will need to be adjusted for other economies, probably downwards to account for poorer educational systems and the burdens of ill health.
Here, in broad terms, are descriptions of those in the IQ 75 (5th percentile) to IQ 90 (25th percentile) range.
Country IQs may explain how that country conducts its affairs. Intellectual assessments ought to have explanatory value, thus leading to greater wealth, and discrepancies need to be investigated and explained. Two main sources of economic discrepancy are tourism and natural resources: the presence of either can inflate economies which lack human capital.
Another attack on country intelligence comparisons relates to idea that cultures differ so much that standard international assessments are impossible. This is a perilous argument, since if it is truly the case that a particular national culture does not understand the notion of progressions and sequences, or the basics of arithmetic, then there is a temptation to avoid the country completely, at least as regards investment. Indeed, if this were true one should never fly on a national airline of such a country, or drive a car on such a country’s roads.
Side note: The placement of teachers on the chart above is wrong. But all academicians think they are smarter than they actually are.
Once again the cucks will come to the rescue of the less intelligent. Pretending they care about the less intelligent while actually just virtue signalling because cucks are terrified of being called racist. In their quest to avoid being called racist what they are actually doing is furthering the great replacement.
As an example which I’ve talked about before, lets remember this classic from Judgy Bitch. JB is conservative, right leaning, traditional. I agree with JB on lots of things. JB is also classic female. She actually wrote a post and did a video about how women shouldn’t vote. Then wrote posts about the exceptions to that because actually some women should vote.
And that’s how women work. They always make exceptions for women. Women should be allowed to serve in combat roles if they want to. Men have to serve in combat roles. Can men abort babies? No. Do men have to pay for the babies not aborted? Yes.
Women have choices. Men have responsibility.
Here is another cuck moment from JB.
If you keep in mind the fact that obesity (especially as the result of heavily processed, nutrient deficient junk foods) is also a form of malnutrition, it seems to me that there is an entirely different explanation for why certain racial groups might tend to perform lower on IQ tests.
I realize that I haven’t proved anything at all by noticing these correlations. Correlation is not causation. And furthermore, I haven’t read Richwine’s dissertation, nor do I plan to, so I don’t know if he offered any tentative explanations for his findings. What I hope I HAVE proved is that you can research any topic, any topic at all, and discover truths, even if they are uncomfortable, without necessarily being racist (or any other –ism you want to throw in).
It looks to me like Richwine is a gigantic racist asshole, because he is using his findings to try and limit the opportunities for Hispanic people to come to the United States, because dumb spics. What if I’m right? What if IQ differences are traceable to malnutrition? That would indicate a whole different set of interventions and policies than just turn them away.
JB asserts: Low IQ people are low IQ because they are malnourished.
How about low IQ people are malnourished because the average low IQ in their society keeps them from having nice things. Like roads, trucks, trains, electricity, refrigeration, agriculture, private property, and captialism.
Which is more likely:
A. We have low IQs because we don’t have nice things.
B. We don’t have nice things because we have low IQs.
How dare this “racist asshole” attempt to “limit the opportunities for Hispanic people to come to the United States” to participate in the Great Replacement.
JB will say anything to avoid being called a racist. And Judgy Bitch is “on our side”. Have I mentioned the right can’t win?
Speaking of how the right can’t win, yet another saviour has gone cuck.
The Trumpenfuhrer went cuck. Now the Aussies are following his lead. Some Australian politician named Anning talked a bunch of smack, got alt-shite creaming themselves and then . . .
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
Wait for it . . .
He . . .
Take a wild guess . . .
Well, this week Anning announced his team for the state of Queensland, and all I can say is that it looks like he ran out of breath mints.
Out of a total of four running mates he has managed to select an Indian and a woman. Dear oh dearie me. Let’s start with the girls, shall we?
I have already written about the need to abolish women from the political sphere.
Any serious contenders on the Right side of politics in Australia would do well to make a point of not having any female politicians in their ranks. An announcement of the sort that a party not only does not have any female candidates but that they actively make sure that it is a male only domain would generate all sorts of negative publicity in Australia. The media would go barking mad. But any publicity is good publicity as far as politics is concerned, and since voting in Australia is compulsory, (an abomination in of itself), then a party courageous enough to say no more to the forced incursion of women into politics would do very well indeed with the silent majority.
And a new party is where the battle will have to be fought. The Liberals are lost because they made the mistake of letting in women in the first place. It’s time to found new right wing parties in Australia and their first rule must be that it is a boys club. In other words, no girls allowed.
Giving women the vote in the first place was stupid enough, but inviting them to sit down and assume responsibility for leading the country has been nothing short of outright lunacy. If there is one single thing that has got our civilization into its present crisis point then it is this. The thing is that most women who I talk to about this privately agree with me. They are all too aware of the collective problems that handicap women in this regard. As on a micro level, they also want to be led on a macro level. And yet here is Anning pushing forward his own attempt to nail down the vote for the womensz. It is simply appalling.
Yes. It’s easy to say that women shouldn’t vote or serve in government. It’s much harder to actually implement women not voting and being in government. And since there is zero chance of implementing women not voting there is zero chance of preventing the Great Replacement.
Of course there could be no government. But then . . . who would build the roads?
Speaking of low IQ, main stream media.
It’s being reported that the devastating fire at Notre Dame de Paris was the result of an electrical short circuit.
Now, this might well be true.
The problem is that the state and the media have destroyed all trust in themselves and in wider society, fragmented as it is, and no-one with an ounce of common-sense is going to believe them no matter how right they might be on this occasion.
Ah yes. “It’s being reported” sums up the MSM perfectly. The MSM does “report” many things. Few of them are believable. But many things are being reported.
When I’m at the gym and I see the televisions tuned to CNN I watch the constant reporting on the literal Hitlerness of Trump.
And because Trump is literally Hitler the left wants to take away guns so that only the police and military which are controlled by a man who is literally Hitler has guns.
This is the intelligence of the enemy of the right and the right is losing.
Makes you wonder who actually has the lower IQ.
Speaking of losing, I win, everyone loses.
From my predictions page:
In Stating The Obvious 145 I predict that cars will transmit your speed to the government and the police will mail you a ticket by 2028. Update: This is already happening as reported in Anarchy Moment #0002.
Ready to be shocked and surprised?
All new cars will be fitted with devices that make sure they automatically keep to the speed limit in a move billed as the biggest overhaul of road safety in more than 50 years.
Within the next three years, models sold in Europe are expected to use technology that detects limits and slows down vehicles travelling too fast.
It will be one of 15 new safety features fitted as standard to cars, HGVs or buses. Other measures include technology that detects when drivers are losing concentration or falling asleep, a system that keeps cars in the centre of lanes and accident black boxes that record vehicle movements.
All cars will also be fitted with automatic emergency braking, which brings vehicles to a stop when pedestrians step into the road or a car ahead suddenly slams on the brakes.
The measures were approved by the European Commission and are expected to be rubberstamped by the European parliament and member states in September. The UK government has already said that vehicle standards will be aligned with those in the EU after Brexit, meaning that the same rules will be expected on British roads.
. . . . .
Speed assistance uses GPS technology to detect the limit on a road. A vehicle driving too fast when a speed limit changes will be automatically slowed down, which campaigners hope will help to change motorists’ behaviour.
It will not be possible for the driver to switch off the system completely. However, in a move designed to smooth public acceptance of the technology, drivers will be able to override it when it kicks in by pushing down on the accelerator. This will allow motorists to overtake a vehicle just in front.
I found the above via Al Jahom.
I think it’s when my father was at about my current age that he said ‘I’m glad I wasn’t born later’. I now think the same.
These laws will come in 2021/2022.. I reckon I could run pre-2021 cars for the rest of my natural, the way cars are built these days, so long as I’m canny. Not that I’ll be immune from the obstructive preponderance of drones at 69MPH on the motorway, but then I tend not to drive when every one else is out anyway.
And that’s because the roads are so congested now that we have more than 66M people in this country, compared with less than 59 million 20 years ago, and no more infrastructure than we had. We also have far more women participating in the work force, and far more people working far away from where they live. And then there’s the technology that was vaunted as freeing us but is used to bind us.
His post is aptly titled “Conformity through technology” which is something I’ve been screaming at the interwebz about for years. Technology is not making us more free. Technology is making us more enslaved and more stupid.
But we can’t talk about being stupid because it might hurt the feelz of the stupid people and feelz are more important that survival.
And that’s why we don’t get to have nice things any more.
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Wait a second Great One. Are you telling me that Israel is on the 44th place with an IQ of 92?! But I thought jews are these great titans of intellect, even Cappy has been spewing some jewish talking points lately about how (((they))) got where they are because of their superior IQ and work ethic yet their own ethnostate it’s behind most Eastern European countries in terms of intelligence. Oh, I know! Only American jews are ubermenschen, there’s no other explanation goyim so you better stop questioning their over-representation right now or I’ll scream “Nazi!” at you until the nice men in blue uniform put you in a cage.
Hey GO,
Nice to know that my own (white) people according to that chart are apparently smarter than the (((special people))), yet dumb enough to let them destroy my country and flood it with the 3rd world. P.S. I get a virus warning when visiting that link you posted by Avast.