Linkage: 23 January, 2018 #TheTriggering
And just like that progress is lost. This is why “conservatives” can never and will never will. The left always moves forward. The right never pushes back.
Never mind the screeching from the media that Trump oppresses the sexually disoriented by failing to validate their delusions and to grant them special privileges. The LGBT agenda continues to march forward in the U.S. armed forces:
Transgender people will be allowed for the first time to enlist in the U.S. military starting on Monday as ordered by federal courts, the Pentagon said on Friday, after President Donald Trump’s administration decided not to appeal rulings that blocked his transgender ban.
Wrong. “We” (the fucking Royal We) should not try. We should allow natural selection to do her fucking job.
According to Marler, the raw-water trend is similar to people’s obsession with raw milk or opposition to vaccines. While they lack scientific evidence, they’re convinced that they are correct, in part because they have failed to see the repercussions of life without scientific advances.
“You can’t stop consenting adults from being stupid,” Marler said. “But we should at least try.”
I have a suggestion for Mr. Trump. If you want to hurt your enemies while bringing attention to your programs (not to your anger, about which everyone is fully informed), why not tweet some facts that might advance your agenda?
Why not tweet things like the following (they’d be news to most people)?
Federal regs cost US 1.9 trillion — yearly!
Govt owns more than 1/4 of US land.
Federal debt: almost $160K per household, over 2x av. Income! ;
Almost 1/4 of federal prisoners are noncitizens.
Taxes take almost 1/3 of Americans’ money!
The flawed tax bill recently passed by Congress and signed into law by the president contains a provision allowing limited drilling in the formerly locked away Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR).
ANWR — which is in the middle of nowhere, and protects nothing but mosquitoes — was created at a time of high oil prices, and with only one purpose: to deny oil companies the chance to develop a small piece of vast Alaska. ANWR was, of course, opposed by the great majority of actual Alaskans but favored by soi-disant “environmentalists” in Silicon Valley and Beverly Hills. But then, neither Silicon Valley nor Beverly Hills has Alaska’s unemployment rate, which is the highest in the nation. Nor do they have Alaska’s large budget deficit.
Development in ANWR will provide thousands of high-paying jobs and $60 billion in royalties for the state — which puts some of the funds in a master-fund, the income of which goes directly to the people of Alaska. ANWR will also rejuvenate the Alaskan Oil Pipeline, keeping that great project alive. Not bad, considering that the drilling will take place on less than 2,000 acres — which is one-hundredth of 1% of the ANWR reserve.
It has also been reported that the $3.8 billion dollar Dakota Access Pipeline — created to ship the burgeoning oil production from fracking operations in North Dakota — is delivering bountiful benefits after only six months of operation. Lowering the cost of shipping has caused an increase in production. October’s production hit 1.185 million barrels per day (BPD), which is about a 13% increase over the peak before the pipeline.
As a result, unemployment in North Dakota is exceptionally low (2.3% in November), state revenues rose by $43.5 million in the first five months since the pipeline opened, and the pipe is projected to deliver $210 to $250 million in extra tax revenue by the end of its first two years. That’s delivering the green!
Saudi Arabia is now looking to invest in — American shale operations! How the geo-petroleum worm has turned.
But Matty is correct about one thing; Anglo-Saxon women around the world are completely out of control. Society and culture do not operate in a vacuum, nor are they binary. Everything is intertwined and connected. Break one strand and the entire edifice can unravel. And the first step in the unraveling was giving women the vote.
I’d imagine most developed welfare states have a similar pattern. You let women vote without conditions, you get increased spending on welfare. Not that giving women the vote was the wrong thing to do, just that it should have come with caveats such as “if you take money from the State you lose the right to vote.”
No Matty – giving women the vote was indeed the wrong thing to do, and particularly with regards to Anglo-Saxon women. We don’t have our house in order.
We have lost control of our women and this has flowed on to just about every area of our societies. The ludicrous and hypocritical #MeToo campaign is one of the final consequences of letting women into the workplace.
Gwyneth Paltrow is not merely a ditsy actress who denounces America, thinks water can understand English, and named her daughter Apple. She has branched out into fraud with her website Goop, which sells wacky, overpriced products to her fellow screwballs.
Unhealthily, these products include a coffee enema:
The rape based Hunger Games continue. Now with women complaining they have not been raped. Becasue not raping a woman is racist. Unless you are a Muslim of course.
Most interestingly of all, Rebecca Carroll says female colleagues were “preyed upon” without ever mentioning how she might have confronted Charlie Rose about this purported behavior. Consequently, she only seems to be “brave” and stand up for fellow women when publications like Esquire give her a chance to write about herself to an international audience, years after the “predatory” antics of Rose. How very sisterly of her.
Hilariously, Carroll whinges that she was “erased” as she did not receive sexual attention from Charlie Rose.
Despite the extreme doubts we should all have about these sexual harassment allegations involving other women, not being sexually harassed by a famous television presenter is enough at the moment for someone to be massively triggered.
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Linkage: 23 January, 2018 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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