Basket Of Inferiors 0004: Why #Resist on @Meetup You Ask? Because Hating White People Isn’t Hate.
I’m not sure how much more of the virtue signalling I can take.
Did you notice how when Hussain Obama won the election twice most of the conservatives and all of the normal people simply got over it and went to work the next day. You probably didn’t notice because they didn’t go to work the next day wearing pussy hats and telegraphing their desperate need for attention.
Since the Trumpenfuhrer kicked the Messiah out of the White (that’s racist!) House the virtue signalling has been out of control. Every left-wing statists piece of shit (as if there were any other form of left-wing statist) I know who never had a problem with the Messiah bombing countries and murdering Muslims with rockets launched from flying robots is now constantly broadcasting their sudden discovery that “racism is bad” unless the racism is aimed at white men.
The left-wing statist pussy hat wearing cunts didn’t just shut up and go to work the next day because most of them don’t have jobs.
Everyone, and I mean every-fucking-one, is desperate to display not only that they hate white men but that they hate white men more than anyone else.
I got this email from Meetup.
Meetup has always served as an organizing platform for a wide range of political views, welcoming everyone from the Howard Deaniacs to the Tea Party. Meetup will always welcome people with different beliefs.
Let’s review the truths of life as lined out in the Articles Of CLSology. If you have to say you do it’s because you don’t.
Meetup will not welcome people who have beliefs they disagree with. They will classify these beliefs as “hate speech” (otherwise known as defending white people and/or Western culture) and ban these groups. Without refunding their money of course.
But after the recent executive order aimed to block people on the basis of nationality and religion, a line was crossed. At a time when core democratic ideals feel under attack, we feel a duty to spark more civic participation.
Meetup can’t tell you what this line is, where it came from, or how it’s defined. The idiots at Meetup only know that if you don’t hate white men you are racist.
“Blocking people” is a bad thing. I assume the idiot who wrote this message means blocking people from entering the United States. I’m unaware of a Constitutional right to enter the United States which is granted to people who are not citizens of the United States. Perhaps one of the constitutional philosophers at Meetup could point that section of the Constitution out to me.
Naturally the indefinite detention of citizens and the NSA reading your email are not problems for To oppose those things would be racist.
I also didn’t notice Meetup having any problem with the bombing of seven countries in six years nor the murder of their much loved Muslims with missiles launched from flying robots.
Oh right. It’s not murder when a man who is half black gives the order.

Girls can’t code if men are in the room because girls are strong and independent and they can do anything (expect code if men are in the room). You go girl!
But I understand. This isn’t about caring about Muslims. This is about virtue signalling hatred of white men.
Last week, we created 1,000+ #Resist Meetup Groups to act as local hubs for actions on behalf of democracy, equality, human rights, social justice, and sustainability. Already 50,000+ people have joined.
Meetup had to create these groups because no left-wing statist pussy hat wearing cunts were willing to start these groups. Starting these groups cost money and since most of the left-wing statist pussy hat wearing cunts don’t have jobs they couldn’t afford it.
50,000 people have joined not because they are going to get off their asses and do anything. They joined to virtue signal. I’ve used Meetup for years. I’ve formed Meetup groups and organized meetups. The participation rate is about 3% at best. I suspect the participation rate will be somewhat higher for these anti-white groups since most of the people who join don’t have jobs. But it all boils down to more virtue signalling and no substance.
I really love how a Democrat losing the election translates into “ democracy, equality, human rights, social justice, and sustainability”. The emotional immaturity and instability of these in-duh-viduals is mind numbing to behold.
These #Resist Meetups are open to anyone who want to create a bright future that’s rich with opportunity and freedom for all.
No they aren’t. These #Resist (and this fucking need to hashtag everything makes Meetup look like an attention starved Instagram whore) are only open to liberal Democrats who hate Trump and white men.
I want a bright future of opportunity and freedom and I want to get there via natural selection and anarcho-capitalism. I can assure you that I am in no way welcome in these groups of hate filled communist racists.
Meetup exists to connect people so they create opportunity and make the world they want. We hope members take these Meetups forward to be powerful together.
Wrong. What if the world someone wants to create is a world free of the State. Or free of Muslims. Or free of blacks. Or free of registered Democrats. Or free of taxation. Or free of single mothers. Or free of liberal arts degrees. Does Meetup exist to connect those people so they can make the world they want?
No it doesn’t.
Meetup exists to make money.
And sell your information to corporations.
And promote groups dedicated to creating a world free of white people.
What’s really happening here is Meetup needs more money. This is as much a gamble to attract more people to the site as it is virtue signalling. Along they way the CEO of Meetup is hoping this translates into people starting groups and paying Meetup money.
This week I’d like to welcome all the folks who work at to the Basket Of Inferiors.
Thanks for coming.
Do you know someone who should be placed in the Basket Of Inferiors? Leave a comment below telling me who and why. I’ll look into it. It’s a big basket and there is plenty of room in there.
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